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1 Day of eating followed by 1 Day of fasting for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss?

From all the Facts I´ve heard from here and there, I asked myself if a Routine of Muscle Training and unrestricted eating one Day and fasting and some Cardio the next Day could be the quickest (and best?) Way to lose Fat and build Muscle at the same Time?
You wouldn´t have to (precisely) count Calories and for sure be in a Surplus on Day One while dipping into your Fat Metabolism on Day 2 while also getting the Benefits of a prolonged Fast including extra Release of HGT which is good for Health in general as well for your Recovery and Build of Muscle and therefore might even speed up Muscle Development?

What’s your Opinion about this theoretical Approach?

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Muscle protein synthesis and repair from a training session occurs for up to 48 hours afterwards so no it won’t work the way you want it to with complete fasting, but there is the leangains methodology that uses a similar calorie cycling concept. The HGH release from fasting is an absolute meme too, what’s it going to help you build when you’re already catabolic, haven’t eaten in days to start it and you’re still not eating after it starts?


I’m theory it’s sounds great, but I think you’d get inefficient results. I don’t think your body will simply promote muscle growth day 1 and then promote fat loss day 2. It would be much more efficient to just eat maintenance calories and gradually build muscle and lose fat.

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