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10lbs down in a month but I don’t feel or look different.

I am a male, 23 years old and 5’10”. I started around 204 lbs and just weighed in at 193.7 lbs exactly a month later but I look and feel the same. Doing 18 hour fasts and keto for about 5 days a week. I was wondering how much of my weight loss could just be water weight or me just weighing my self on an empty stomachs in the morning? For people who have gone through weight loss, when do you all start seeing the difference?

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There’s a paper published (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1948550615599829) that says your weight loss becomes visible in the face when your BMI drops by 2.93. They also reckon to be perceived as more attractive though, a women’s BMI had to shift by 5.24 (roughly 13.9 pounds for average woman), and men’s had to shift by 5.7 (roughly 18.1 pounds for average man).

For me it took 25 pounds before I actually thought I looked any different! Nowadays I take progress photos religiously (every day, same clothes, same posture) as well as measure myself weekly. Keeps me motivated when I scroll through them, and the measurements have kept me sane for the weeks where I’ve stayed at the same weight, but my waist/arms/thighs have consistently gotten smaller.


that’s a great result. Some of the loss is probably water, but I would guess youve lost at least 5-6 real pounds, possibly more, which is great. You generally wont see your own results that well, but I would guess you’ll notice clothes fitting differently very soon. How you feel is a bit harder to judge, I think exercise makes a much bigger difference in how I feel, but I do think fasting helps a little


Don’t forget, you’re very tall. I’m 6’ tall. I lost 60 lbs and didn’t even really have to change pants. I went from a tight size 18 to a loose 16. Meanwhile, women in my meetings would lose 15 lbs and have to buy all new wardrobes.

It’s like if I took a cup of water out of a bowl versus took a cup of water out of a big bucket. You’d notice more on the smaller vessel.


10 pounds in one month is a really significant amount of weight. Just keep up the good work and keep taking good care yourself! Focus on how you feel right now. I bet you feel better, right? I’m sure the results will be visible soon!


Almost exact same everything here.

SW 207, down about 11 pounds 5 weeks in.

Mostly only notice my stomach is a little flatter and all my clothes are just a little bit looser. I’m expecting the next 10 pounds the differences will be a lot more pronounced though


You will. Keep at it. My body was changing in all sorts of positive ways before any weight loss was reflected on the scale, but you will know by the fit of your clothes and most importantly - how you feel.


You always see your own losses more slowly… you’re used to your own shape and generally lose evenly across your body so it seems like nothings changed… 10lbs is amazing! Not sure what your goals are but give it another month… and take some measurements to compare when it seems like nothings changing 😉


Hi! I had the same issue. I started using an app called me 360. It lets you scan your body, does measurements, body mass and all that AND its FREE!! It has really been helping my motivation. I gained 4 lbs of lean mass and lost 2 lbs of fat… without the scan I would have only seen the 2 lbs. worth a shot

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