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16:8 vs 20:4 : Are the results more drastic or similar?

I am 187lbs 5’2”. I am looking for rapid weight loss at any cost, minus loose skin. I have been doing 16:8 all week, and due to possible controversy I wont list my calorie intake but it is enough to put me in around a 1000 cal deficit, plus I try to do some form of exercise after work. My commute combined with my work I walk 7000+ steps in the office.

I want to up things and do 20:4 IF, but I am not sure if its worth it if the results aernt more noticeable. Were they for you when you started 20:4 from 16:8? Thank you, happy to be a new member of this subreddit :)

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I’m 5’2” and my starting weight was close to yours. It took me a couple of years to lose 50 lbs, with minimal loose skin especially considering I’m in my early 50s. My best results were when I did one main meal or two smaller meals a day. Because I’m small, I need at least 2-3 days a week under 1,000 calories with no day over 1,300 calories. It’s easier to achieve the low calorie days with just one meal.


From what I’ve learned so far from this fine sub is that how did someone say..oh yeah. The magic is in the fast. So. My logic says more time fasting= more fat burn=weight loss. Am I missing anything? Here. This might help too. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b6/62/2d/b6622d8f209064f4cc822161fc872348.png


Honestly I’ve been doing OMAD for a couple years and what absolutely matters the most IMO are two things.

  1. Keep track of your calories and everything you eat. Calorie excess is easy when you aren’t paying attention.

  2. Carbs are key. Don’t have to go full keto but a low carb conscious diet helps.

IF is an excellent tool for weight loss and maintenance. It’s simplified my life.


The difference between 16:8 & 20:4 are considerable. You’re cutting your eating window in 1/2. It’s completely worth it. You might need to ease into it though. YMMV but 1) if you have a sweet tooth break your fast with low glycemic index berries (even frozen are ok, mix with high protein low sugar yogurt if you need to). End your eating window with high healthy fats, high protein (fatty fish, avocado, I also end my eating window by taking 1 or 2 psyllium husk capsules).


A 500/day deficit is 1lb/week loss. you can lose more, but prioritize protein intake to help ensure you are losing the right kind of weight.

Really shouldn’t be seeing more than 2lbs week though. That being said, I did 35lb drop over four months recently, and I’m fine so your mileage may vary. Starting at 335lbs though (5’11” 38yo M), I had a lot more to lose though.

What’s your goal?


OP the fat losing magic is in fast but not so much in the calorie restriction. According to Dr. Fung and Gin Stephens, 16:8 fasting is not quite enough for weight loss. Read their books/ blogs. Longer fasts mean longer metabolic switching. Meaning your body is burning stored fat for longer. If you calorie restrict too much your metabolic rate could slow and actually cause you to lose weight slower.


When you fast you are not eating. So you are taking in fewer calories. Also, your body gets used to eating less and your hunger reduces. This is why you lose weight. If you fast for longer you will eat less and lose weight faster. When I went to one meal a day I lost 2-3 pounds a week consistently. It’s really as simple as that.

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Categories: weight loss deficit calories magic omad carbs keto low carb eating window sugar fish calorie restriction fung gin stephens lose weight one meal a day