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16 days of IF with 16:8 and 20:4, CICO 1200 calories for 30 days, not seeing any results. Help!

I started again trying to lose weight since I had to stop due to an illness the last time which was in June 2022, back then I did lose 3 kgs with IF 18:6 but the weight jumped back up the moment I had to stop fasting.

I’m 29F, h:149 cm, SW: 80.1kg, CW: 79.65 kg, GW: 58 kg

I started with calorie counting, calculated my TDEE online and decided to go for 1400 calories a day, thinking slow and steady might be the better approach. Gained 2 Kg in a month. So I switched to 1200 calories a month ago. Still nothing changed in two weeks, and I actually felt bigger, so I decided to add IF to the mix. I decided to do 16:8 but I’ve easily gone 20 hours for most of the days with two 24 h fasts since I started. I have been counting calories religiously, using a kitchen scale and MyFitnessPal to even log all the ingredients of the recipes I make, including spices. I’ve stayed under 1250 consistently for a month now. I’ve reduced carbs heavily, my main meals are usually some form of animal protein and veggies. Snacks are yogurt with some fruits/nuts. I don’t drink my calories, and don’t drink alcohol or smoke. Only drink water during my fasts, maybe a black coffee once every couple days. My fasting window usually starts after dinner around 8 pm.

The weight on the scale seems to not budge at all however. I wondered if it’s just the scale not showing any changes and have been using a measuring tape for a week as well as having one dress to try on for reference. There’s no difference there either. I’ve been to the doctor, my blood work seems to be normal.

Can anyone help me figure this out? I really don’t like being this heavy, it’s just uncomfortable and I don’t feel good. But seeing absolutely no results kinda takes away all the motivation of keeping it up.

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Cut out all processed food. Switch to whole foods only, no diet coke shit etc. Eat once a day, protein + fat (olive oil or butter only) with lots veggies. Keep an eye when you have your period, you will retain water. Drink water (dont chug it down like a gym freak, but drink at least 200ml per hour). No alcohol whatsoever, drinking booze for one night can ruin your whole week.

Everytime you consume carbs, your insulin lvls rise and youre not burning fat. If you have high insulin resistance, your insulin lvls might be high for long periods of time.

Try it and report back in 14 days. End of story.


Maybe you should get a checkup with your doctor. Otherwise, I was reading about how women had more weightloss if they ate the majority of their calories before 4pm, ie starting the fasting window earlier. I have noticed better results with an earlier fasting window. I can’t really skip dinner but I’ve started serving it earlier with a smaller portion for me, and try to make lunch my bigger meal.


Your CICO math is wrong & you’re being impatient. However, you’re doing awesome by sticking with a consistent fasting window! Don’t give up, stick with it, get the math right and you will see results.


It seems that you are doing everything alright! You checked all the boxes. You even went to a doctor and checked your health. It seems that your body resistance is winning with you. You can only be patient with yourself and wait it out. I can imagine it is difficult when you don’t see results. You could enrich your diet and tweak your macros. You could narrow your eating window and incorporate longer fast. Patience and again patience. Good luck!

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