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166 Days on OMAD - First 3 Day Fast - Lost 60 lbs

August 24th, 2022 - February 5th, 2023

SW: 235

CW: 174.2

I am a 36M, husband and father of three kids. Over the years I have let myself go and it would bother me a bit but it got to a point where I saw pictures/videos of myself and I no long liked who I saw. I needed to get my weight under control.

I started out with OMAD and exercise M-F, plus a gallon of water a day. After a month or two I slowly stopped with the gallon but now I only drink water when I am thirsty. No soda, juice etc. I have recently cut down my days of exercise to M, W, and F which I believe is working out better for me.

OMAD has been great and I completed my first 3 day fast from last Thursday to Sunday and that was quite the experience. For me, the last 18hrs were the most difficult but it got better the last couple of hours before I was done.

I feel like a new person and I regret not doing OMAD / fasting sooner.




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I lost almost all of my weight following OMAD, and its what I use to maintain, so this is a post after my own heart. OMAD really is pretty damn easy to stick to after a bit of time. I am sure by now you do not even give it a second thought anymore and it is super easy.

I also have dabbled a bit in extended fasting, but not so much anymore these days. Though I happen to be in the midst of a 7 day as we speak for a Super Bowl challenge. Prior to now I had not done anything extended since mid 2022.


I’m so jealous of you! In a good way though 😂 I hope I’m as successful as you! I’ve been on it about a month now but had a decent setback this last week because before I was on Adderall (I was clinically diagnosed when I was 10 with ADHD and have a proper prescription) and now there is a huge shortage. So I’ve had to go without my medicine and it has been extremely difficult because I become super impulsive and will just gorge myself until I’m sick. I’m sure it is for the best though because Adderall has a lot of bad chemicals. Anyways good job! I just felt like ranting 🤣


I identify with you alot. Just did my first 7 day fast a while ago and I found day 3 to be the hardest, but then on days 4-7 the hunger completely disappeared.

Been doing omad as well. Before that 7 day fast the longest I had ever done was 2 days.

Keep it up 💪💪


That’s fantastic good for you! I’ve done a 3-day fast as well I just did another one sort of because I got a stomach flu so it wasn’t by choice lol. And it is really amazing to go on a 3 Day fast. Made a lot of my problems get so much better made me feel better and I believe it’s what got me through covid so fast with this very little symptoms afterwards because I went on the 3-day fast like literally right before I got covid. 3-day fast basically reboot your immune system. I’m glad you saw that drinking a gallon was not the best I was drinking it all the time too and I recently learned that drinking too much water can actually be bad because it washes out all the minerals and dehydrates you in the long run. Also too much exercise can work against you as well.


OMAD fasting is soo easy and great, however doesn’t fit my fitness goals sadly as your body is constantly using up its glycogen stores this way on refeeding days, I have used it in the past with great success and the best part about it over extended fasting is, since it’s a routine, your initial refeed meal doesn’t take you to the bathroom immediately. Imo a great weight loss combo scientifically would be mixing keto + omad although never tried it myself.

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