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178cm 64kg and still fat?

Hey guys :)

So i’m currently trying to get a flat tummy after weighing 100kg around 8 years ago.

My BMI says my optimal weight would be 75kg, but i was still very much fat at that point, so i went even lower.

I am currently at 64kg and the BMI says at 59kg i would be underweight :/

But i still have a tummy??

When i sit down i litteraly have like a ball in front of me

I have to admit i haven’t worked out my abs at all, so maybe that’s the problem?

I’m a bit worried it might be loose skin that needs surgery :(

Do these numbers make sense to you guys?

Is it normal or even possible to still be fat with my height and weight?

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Probably loose skin, speaking from experience having lost weight from 111kg to 68kg before and being around your height.

With that being said, huge congratulations to you for the weight loss! 😀

Loose skin is a normal phenomenon and I hope you stop seeing yourself as fat. Used to fall under that trap at one point too ….

However, you could build muscle to fill up the loose skin to some extent giving it a more toned and flatter look. I can vouch for this from personal experience but don’t expect a completely loose skin free body even after significant muscle growth.

Everyone’s bodies are different and subject to changes, that is an amazing part of being a living being, human 😄❤


Yep, I can confirm your observations. I’m 178cm too and currently hover around 66kg (although I like to view my “true” weight as being 4kg above that, to account for reduced water weight due to glycogen depletion), having come down from 97kg last spring. When standing up straight, the remnants of my beer belly are as good as invisible, even without “sucking it in”; but bend forward a tad and I’m presented with the familiar “pouch” effect between ribs and waist – a combination of loose skin and remaining fat. Also, somewhat unconventionally so for a male, I’m by design prone to accumulating significant fat in my thighs and butt, which too is all but gone. If I had to guess, I’d place my current body fat percentage at ~20% – certainly 2~5% higher than what’s predicted by my BMI.

So my body is obviously far from beach aesthetics-compliant still. Would I say that the fact suffices to render my IF trial of the past 9 months or so a waste of time, though? Absolutely not. I haven’t weighed below 90kg in over a decade; clothes from as far back as my early high school days (I’m 32) fit again. Occurrences of sleep apnea and acid reflux are a thing of the past. No longer do I employ food as a happy brain chemical stimulant. Energy levels and self-confidence have improved. Many further little “gains”, which all combined greatly outweigh my body’s lack of tone – which isn’t even IF’s fault to begin with.

Frankly I’m rather pleased to be where I’m at. Should I manage to reach the lower boundary of the healthy BMI spectrum one day just for the sake of it, that would be great, but I have no illusion that by so doing my body’s missing definition would magically get restored, quite the contrary. For the latter, strength training really is the only option, and it’s the next item on my to-do list to undertake “one day real soon now”.

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