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18:6 beginner questions

I meant 16:8*

Hi guys, bare with me here. I’m a beginner and have a few questions 🙂

1# I’m currently doing 16:8 and my eating window is 11am-7pm. This works for me for the most part and for most days.. but I’m just wondering for long term how flexible I can be? If there’s an evening that I have a later supper at like 730 or 8 is that going to derail me? Can I be flexible day to day or do I really need to stick to these times firmly?

2# branching off of the previous question.. so my window is 11-7pm as I mentioned… there’s been some days where I’ve had my last meal (dinner) at like 6pm and then technically don’t eat again until the next day. Does this mean I can start eating again an hour earlier? Or am I just essentially just doing 17:7 or something?

3# one of the reasons I chose this method to loose weight was because it doesn’t restrict what I eat. But I’ve noticed a lot of people on here also calorie counting and not eating unhealthy. Am I doing this wrong? I understand this can turn into a full blown lifestyle so if it’s something I do long term I don’t want to feel restricted because that’s what typically causes me to stop or quit. But I do also have 5-10lbs of baby weight I’d like to loose. Any insight or clarification there would be appreciated!

Thanks for your help 😊

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I like IF for many of the same reasons you cite. I do flexible times quite often, as I am less concerned with achieving ketosis, than I am with simple calorie limitation. I do also count calories, but that has more to do with being a 4’11” woman with a fairly low TDEE. If I had more calories to work with, IF alone would probably be sufficient but one or two poor choices can pretty much blow my deficit in an 16:8 window. With a modest amount to lose like you have, it might be worth it to track your calories for just a little while, while not cutting anything out of your diet. Just to see where you are, so to speak.

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