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18:6 New to Fasting and I have a question

Should I expect to see some weight loss if I have been doing 18:6 with no change to my diet? The only exercise I do is chair burpees every other day for 20 min.

Next step to include Low carb?
Should I skip the burpees and go muscle gain only?

I have an underactive thyroid which I have been taking a synthetic for.
I am at about 330 lbs

I have been hitting 18+ fasting hours consistently for about 2.5 months

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I’d make healthier changes to the diet like low carb(if it’s not healthy already) some strength training would help. All this could definitely help in losing weight. Better to give it a go then to have never tried at all.You can always start slow and working your way up. I hope your weight lost plan goes well!


>Should I expect to see some weight loss if I have been doing 18:6 with no change to my diet?

In theory, yes. If you traditionally ate say a heavy breakfast(or whatever meal was getting cut), snacked a lot, but kept your remaining meals the same you’d be cutting a lot of calories and lose weight. In practise, it’s not that simple. Whether underestimating calories or portions, overestimating exercise, etc, just having a smaller eating window doesn’t mean we’re eating less.

At the end of the day it’s still a caloric issue. You’re either in a surplus, at maintenance, or in a deficit. If you’re not happy with your results then find a sustainable way to reduce. Though this may be something to discuss with your doctor considering your medical condition.

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