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18:6 seems to work better than OMAD

I used to work doubles in a restaurant and got used to eating at night after my shift.

After COVID I got a desk job and exert a lot less physically but my eating habits of OMAD stayed the same.

I gained a lot of weight.

This forum and research kinda convinced me to switch to 18:6. (Making sure I eat 2-3 times but lighter overall).

I’m losing weight again. Maybe OMAD isn’t for everyone?

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I am doing OMAD with some positive results and mostly enjoying it. I do worry about 1 large meal being too similar to a binge and hope to eventually transition to a 18:6 and be satiated with 2 smaller meals. Currently I trust myself more with OMAD, but it’s what’s working for me now and I’ll have to re-evaluate as I go through the process.

Thank you for this perspective though as I agree people need to find whatever works for them and stick to that for a bit to have success. If it stops working, shift and try something else that does work!


All advice on this sub and around the internet should be taken with a hefty grain of salt. IF is really all about the lifestyle and the health benefits that work for YOU. Just because something works for a lot of people, doesn’t mean it will work for all.

Thanks for the post, OP. This was an excellent reminder to people that everyone just needs to play around and find what’s best for them and their body.


OMAD is what worked for me. I didn’t lose weight on 16:8. I just flat lined for about a month.

But it really depends on the individual. There are some weeks where I can over eat even with OMAD. Whatever works for you and most importantly what you can fit into your life is what matters the most.


Of course it’s not for everyone. It’s so important to find the routine that works for you. IF with calorie reductions for weight loss isn’t for everyone. The important thing is you’re finding what works for you.


I don’t like OMAD. I was doing one big keto meal a day and was constantly tired or hungry. I’m on a 20:4 IF now with a focus on CICO and feel waaay better while seeing better results. Still keeping it low carb/sugar, but not strict keto either.


I also work doubles and often eat late at night. I change my eating window day to day but I always maintain 18-20 hours of fasting. OMAD doesnt work for me because between fitness and long work days I need the food fuel. Im consistently loosing and never feel “off”


To my understanding, omad is 23:1, so you have a full hour to eat. I switched to alternate days fasting but when I was doing omad I had something small like nuts and fruit, my meal about 20 minutes later, and a second serving of dinner or a snack or dessert around the 50 minute mark. I ended up switching to alternate day bc I really like having a full day (12 hours) of eating vs fasting every day. It’s nice to clearly know I’m “on” and “off”, and my body likes to have food spread out more.

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Categories: omad habits losing weight binge lose weight weight loss keto low carb sugar eating window alternate day fruit dinner snack