| | Water Fasting

2 hours left of my first 24 hour fast… send help.

I’m so freaking grouchy and hungry. Everything is getting on my last nerve.

Help me get through.

Edit: Complete! Thank you everyone.

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You can do this. I don’t know anything about your metabolic status or weight history, but for 24 hours most healthy people will do just fine with water hydration. Think of the biochemistry you are unlocking, the changes in your liver that likely haven’t happened for years. Good for you! Continue this great work!


The first 24 - 48 hours of a fast is pretty rough, especially for your first fast. It’s much easier if you keep busy (preferable doing something physical like some cleaning or a light cardio workout). Once you make it past that point, you’re not nearly as hungry as you were before. Just distract your brain and you’ll be find.


Dude(tte) chill. Don’t let the fact that you’re mildly peckish affect your emotions so much. If you’re being a jerk, fasting is absolutely not an excuse for that.

Do literally anything else than dwell on it. Water and walks are great advice.

My advice? Go for 48 or 72. At 24 you’ve already done the worst of it.


Saw your edit good for you!!

If you hadn’t worked into a fast with some IF like 16/8 or 18/6 22/2 it can be difficult. The other thing that makes it a breeze is lower carbs at least several days before a fast. Low carb means when we start a fast it’s very easy for the body to pop into fat burning mode whjch = ketosis (if you weren’t already in ketosis from .low carb) which = no hunger and crankiness.

Fasting helped me see very quickly how much I ate out of emotion. Happy, sad, mad, bored. A good movie gotta much on something. Good story on social media got to nestle in and snack while reading it lol. So for me the crankiness was be learning to adjust to new coping skills aside from food to deal with emotions.


I’m a bit late but I hope you made it! I personally do 24hr fasts for breakfast, I’m on OMAD now, it’s really easy-peasy. I’m really lucky that I’ve naturally done 12 to 15 hours my whole life because I used to skip breakfasts. I just was never hungry in the morning.

I was also starved for 2 or 3 days by my mother when I was really small which in hindsight, might have been really good for me as it taught my body how to handle periods without food.

You can do this bro/girl! One thing that helps for me is actually to eat out every day. I know it’s not healthy, but when you’re on OMAD it helps when you don’t have to open the fridge.

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Categories: 24 hour fast liver a fast cardio carbs low carb ketosis snack omad morning