| | Water Fasting

24 hr fast once per week for weight loss.


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In my opinion it’s probably not enough to get the benefit you’re looking for. I would recommend 18:6 until your body feels good and learns to fast. You could easily do this for 3 Months and then I would add some 24 hours in once it’s really easy. Read the book Fast.Feast.Repeat. It will give you all the good info you’re looking for. Good luck!!!


Do you really think you’ll be able to eat “at maintenance” consistently for 60 weeks? Maybe you can, but it’s unlikely. If it were that easy no one would battle with losing weight and keeping it off. Weight gain and loss is complicated by a bunch of different things that we have to contend with every day. Depending on your starting weight and a few other factors it may take more than one day a week without food to get the look you are going for.

Do you want to devote 60 weeks to watching every single thing you put in your mouth?

A weekly 24 hour fast has benefits beyond weight loss but if weight loss is your ultimate goal your plan seems like it will make things harder in the long run.


Just remember that though it may be a 2000cal deficit right now, as you lose weight it’ll be less of a deficit (less weight to carry and power = fewer calories burned) and you will probably have to readjust your maintenance calories a few times. It doesn’t seem like a bad idea, though; seems like a pretty solid way to lose weight. Might be slow by the standards of some others on this sub, sure. But its actually a moderate, sustainable deficit

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