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3-7 day rolling fasts with an hour eating window

Have many woman found success loosing weight with this type of protocol? If so I’d really appreciate how much you lost over how long.

Edit: 1-4 hour eating window to help ease in on when I’ve managed to fast longer

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I like to do around \~40 hour fasts starting on sunday night around 8pm. This would have a refeed on tuesday afternoon. Then around tuesday night at 8pm you start it over. I then end for the week on thursday. I switch to a more sustainable 16:8 intermittent fast for friday through sunday. I could probably go longer but it’s just more sustainable to keep it shorter and to give yourself more recovery time. I also want to be sharp on the weekends for fun activities rather than feeling empty on a fast.

Listen to your body first and foremost. Start small and then give yourself time to recover. You also don’t want to do this kind of thing for long periods because it will kill your metabolism. If you do it for a month, then stop for a few weeks and reverse diet to fix it. Keep in mind what works for me or another person might not work for you. Experiment and find a sweet spot for your level of fat adaptation and will power.


I had slowly lost about 40lbs doing 2 or 3 40 hour fasts a week for 6 months. I kept it off for 2 years, fasting on days that were convenient and then had a really stressful time in life and weight piled back on.

I did rolling 3 day fasts (fast 70 hours, eat a meal repeat) for 6 weeks last fall and lost 15 lbs. then stopped while I got vaccinated & regained it all. I wasn’t able to ease off it like last time and I got the urge to binge on sweets a lot. I felt fantastic on it for a while and then got burnt out.

I am now on my third rolling 3 day fast. Based on stuff I have read, my new plan is to stick to this until I lose 20% of my weight, with a focus on eating high fiber, soluble fiber, resistant starch + probiotics when I do refeed. I break my fast with yogurt and potato starch. Once I get that 20% off, I plan to slowly reduce fasting with a goal to up exercise and keep weight steady for 3 months. Basically I have read reduce calories to lose weight, exercise to keep it off. Healthy gut has shown to slightly increase weight loss but more importantly help with not regaining weight. Unfortunately I don’t know if I will be successful in sticking to the plan.

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