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30 minute infrared sauna session okay on day 6 of a 7 day dry fast?

I completed my 4th day of dry fasting at 6pm today.

So far, I feel fine and no problems, and I am hoping to continue the dry fast and complete a full 7 day dry fast then go into a water fast for as long as I can make it.

I’m playing it by ear based on how I feel, and even though I am working every day, I have a desk job and when I’m not working, I’m mostly resting and not doing too much activity.

The longest ever dry fast I have completed before now was 4 days about a month ago, the longest water fast is two weeks (20+ years ago – but recently, the longest water fast I’ve completed is one week).

I had an infrared sauna session for 30 minutes on Sunday morning with no issues at all, and about an hour after the sauna I went into the ocean until the cold water was bearable, maybe about 20 minutes.

Afterwards, when I got home, I felt really energized and was motivated to do some light gardening and household chores, which normally I would be exhausted and need rest, I am always tired all of the time.

On Friday morning, I have another infrared sauna session for 30 minutes scheduled first thing and I plan to go in the ocean again about 30 minutes after it ends.

I am really conflicted about whether I should stop my dry fast tomorrow evening so that I can hydrate before the sauna…. or if I should continue dry fasting.

I really think that I would be okay in the sauna on Friday if I feel the way I do now, I have lots of extra weight I need to lose, so plenty of fat to metabolize for water.

I’d like to push through to 7 days since the phoenix protocol describes so many health benefits for this duration.

I understand that the infrared sauna could potentially be risky on the 6th day of a dry fast, but I read about people doing exercise every day walking several miles and sweating during long dry fasts, so I think it would be okay for me to relax in the sauna for 30 minutes after I’ve already been resting most of the week.

Experienced longer term dry fasters, I would like your thoughts/recommendations if you don’t mind sharing them.

Please be kind. Thanks.

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I wouldn’t do it. Your body already heats up on a dry fast, so not a good idea. Also the fact that you will lose electrolytes by sweating in sauna and you are already depleting them on a dry fast. Logically there is not one good reason to do it. Especially on 6 day..


UPDATE: I have now entered day 7 of my dry fast (ends at 6pm tomorrow). In case anyone is interested how day 6 went with the sauna session, see below.

I took the day off of work today, and because I was feeling really good this morning, I did go to my infrared sauna appointment. I wore an old wool hat while I was inside, because I read that it helps you stay in the sauna longer. I think this hat made all of the difference because my head stayed much cooler than last time (obviously my face didn’t but the rest of my head did). I will continue wearing this as my sauna hat.

I stayed in the sauna about 28 minutes. About halfway through, after I changed positions, for about 30 seconds or so I thought I might begin to feel nausea, but it subsided. Just in case, I was ready to open the sauna door and let cool air in and exit and drink the glass of water just outside if necessary, but thankfully, it wasn’t.

I felt really good after the sauna, so I headed to the beach, and went straight into the cold water - very invigorating - where I stayed until my fingers started to prune up. The palms of my hands looked translucent white right before I got out of the ocean, it was so surreal. I could see my veins clearer than ever. (Maybe that’s normal but I’ve never noticed it before). That translucence didn’t last - as my hands dried my palms turned pinkish again.

Then I felt really tired so took a quick nap on the beach and when I woke up I felt so refreshed.

This afternoon, I had energy in spurts where I could do a small task or two in the house, or an errand, then I needed a short nap afterwards. I probably took 4 or 5 naps today, it felt so decadent to have the luxury of napping so much, but I truly required that rest. When I went to do an errand, it seemed like the sky and trees were much more vibrant than normal.

By late afternoon, I was just wishing the next 24 hours would be over so that this could end because I felt useless, getting tired so easily. I just wished I could fast-forward time. Showering (hot then cold) helped a lot and this evening, I feel much more energy, but plan to go to bed early.

I’m not feeling like I’m dreading getting through the next day anymore. If I feel well/normal in the morning, I plan to go into the ocean first thing, before the crowds turn up. Tomorrow, I have a few light chores I will do if I am up to it, otherwise just plan to rest/nap. Hopefully, I can make it to 6pm, I’m so close to the 7 day mark!

If all continues to go well, I plan to hydrate tomorrow night with water and baking soda first, then magnesium/potassium, then tangy tangerine with sparkling mineral water.

Edit: added the word “mineral” - forgot to specify the sparkling water is mineral water


Do the sauna fasted. Pay attention to yourself. If you start feeling “off”, exit the sauna. Have some salt water or plain water if you need to.

I’ve done saunas five days in a row while fasting. I couldn’t make it as hot as I normally do, and I couldn’t stay in as long as I usually do - but I still got in there and broke a sweat.


I have done infrared saunas during dry fasts up until day 3. I’m not sure I would do it first thing. I did mine later in the day because they wiped me out. I’d definitely have water ready in case you needed it.

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Categories: dry fast dry fasting water fast morning evening protocol electrolytes energy baking soda magnesium potassium mineral a fast