| | Water Fasting

36 hours passed think I will stay on for the 3-day fast advice needed

So as the title says I’ve come up to 36 hours and I feel good I’m going to stay the course and go for 72 hours fast.

Should I be taking any vitamins or supliments ? also is this a healthy thing to do each week

My main goal is weight loss since I gave up smoking I hit 153kg. I have been successful with keto in the past but its not working for me now so I am trying a normal diet with low sugar and fasting

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You may find mixing it up works better. I fast two days a week but not straight after each other, this keeps you metabolism guessing. It also will allow you to keep doing exercise without too much trouble. You shouldn’t need supplements although taking in some fibre such as psyllium husks should keep you regular and something like chlorella is said to bind the toxins together. I don’t like the chlorella flavour but can stomach it if I mix with water, turmeric, Tabasco sauce and some Himalayan salt. Longer fasts you can throw in from time to time but they are more to do with cleansing than weight loss. Otherwise you may find you gain the weight back if you return to eating normally.

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