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4 hr vs 8 hr eating window for women

Hi all! I would love some advice here:

So Ive been fasting for a few years, and for the last 2 years have stuck to a 4 hour eating window at night. I love it so much as it has given me super even energy throughout the day and the best sleep of my life!

Unfortunately, I stopped menstruating and based on what I’ve read, it could be because my eating window is too small. I also read studies showing that opting for an 8 hour window is better for weight and overall health.

So for the past two weeks I’ve added a small meal at lunch (a protein shake) and I hate it lol. My digestion feels terrible, my energy levels are all over the place, and I get really hungry at random times. It also just takes up too much time that uses to be free for other things.

Long story short I miss my 4 hour window. Should I just ride this adjustment out? Does anyone know if going back to a 4 hour window is definitely bad for women? Maybe my my menstruation is due to something else?

Thank you all in advance?

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I think my first question is… Are you getting all your necessary calories and nutrients in your 4 hours?

Every body is different so what some can handle others can’t, even if you’re doing everything else right. I’ve also honestly never found a protein shake to be all that great to break a fast with. They make me feel icky, too. I do a lot better with fruits or veggies.

Though my current app schedule is 16:8, I’m often doing 18:6. Most days, that’s the easiest for me.


Hmm. It’s not normal to stop menstruating with a 20:4 schedule. It’s not considered bad for women in general.

Are you underweight? And/or do you have a low body fat percentage? Are you eating less than 1200 calories a day? Those could cause your period to stop. The answer to all of those would be to eat more and make sure you are getting enough nutrients.

It’s worth seeing a doctor to rule out other causes of amenorrhea (lack of periods). Could be a hormone imbalance, for example. It might or might not be related to IF at all.


OP you’ve posted elsewhere that you recently began running 12 miles a day 6 days a week and that you have PCOS. Amenorrhea is sometimes seen in endurance athletes, and it’s also a symptom of PCOS. These are the more likely reasons you’ve missed your period.


4 hours window causing you to eat too little and that’s causing you to be underweight causing you to lose your period??? I have done a 4 hour window in the past and my menstrual cycle became more regular and healthy probably due to the wieght loss since I was obese before.

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