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40 day fast (for lent) first day was February 22 (Ash Wednesday), anyone in a long-term fast?

Day 17

I feel good.

My GKI has been <1 for the last 7-10 days. I use a Libra 24/7 glucose monitor to track blood glucose and a Keto mojo to track Beta-Hydroxybutyrate. At this point it’s more of a hobby tracking my levels (not my first rodeo). I’m a bit of a data geek.

BG 24 hour average is running around 70 mg/dl and BHB is running anywhere from 7 mmols/dl to somewhere over 8 mmols/dl at times (I can’t test higher than 8 mmols accurately). I test my blood BHB levels 3 times a day.

My blood glucose has dropped into the low 40s overnight. I’ve no symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose), so it’s safe to say I’m running on ketone bodies. That and the 400 or so kcals of protien my body is hopefully scavenging mostly from broken organelles and senescence cells to make the glucose I need.

I’ve done one 5 day course of 2.5 grams of 99% pure fisetin at the start of this fast, and I’ll do another the last 5 days of this fast.

I didn’t do a DXA scan before this fast, and I don’t really trust the bioelectric impedance analysis of my bathroom scale. But if it is ok at showing trends, according to it I’ve lost no muscle mass to date. I suspect that my BMI will drop from 26 to somewhere around 22-23 before this over, and I expect to lose some muscle mass.

This will be the longest fast I’ve ever done. I typically do one 21 day, and 3 other 7-9 day quarterly fasts per year. I did go 30 days once before this one, years ago.

I do it for resilience, and my stoical, Christian practice. But I also hope it will increase my healthspan. I don’t want to take pills and have my dance card filled with doctor appointments when I reach my senior years. I’ve seen what that’s like with older relatives I love, and I want none of it. I’m middle-aged and have no chronic illness, I don’t take any prescription medication to live and I’d like to keep it that way.

Also I don’t believe the shorter term fast (1-3 days) generate near the level of autophagy we think they do. I think main problem is we use mouse models in autophagy research Everyone uses these same mouse model graphs and data points when setting their goals. But mice are very different then humans.

If a mouse fasts for 48 hours they’ve lost around 20% of their body mass and are near death. They can only live for 2-4 days without food. For a human, a 48-72 hour fast might yield a 1-2% loss body mass.

Evolution has given us the gift of being able to go without food for much longer periods of time. It’s because our ancestors could do this, that we are here. Which is why most westerners are overweight or obese. So, I’m of the opinion that it’s probably natural for us to go without food for long periods of time at least once a year.

I imagine that my ancestors from northern Europe had to do it quite often during those long winters.

In any case I’m just here for the post. Is anyone else doing a long-term fast?

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I’m doing a 40-day for lent as well, though I’m doing it medically supervised at a clinic and they include a little juice and vegetable broth in the regimen, so not strict water fasting. Still feels like the hardest thing I’ve ever done so far though. I’m on day 16, since I sort of did only partial fasting on Ash Wednesday to get things started.


I’m on the same train as you …howdy! Fasting for lent and to get closer to God.

I’ve lost over 20 pounds so far, and I feel great. Being bored is my biggest challenge now. I’ve never fasted beyond 5 days but as of now, I must admit that it’s pretty easy.

I don’t have all of the data that you do however the mirror doesn’t lie. The mirror is the ultimate judge, in my opinion.

Regarding health, I have zero ailments, my blood is flowing like Bull. My mind is sharp as well as my tongue; I’m much more effective with my life.

Stay strong, I feel that you totally have this understood and managing with the best of them. Actually, fasting is the most simplest way to get healthy, for most.


not doing long term fast but i fasted all day on ash wednesday and then a 48hr fast the week after. then this week im trying a 48hr fast again on thursday and friday this time because we cant eat meat on fridays so i was like might aswell just use that as fast days. so far im feeling okay.


Indeed. I’m 5 days into a long water fast at the moment (min. 12 days, maybe more). Like you, this is not my first rodeo. The last time I did this, I monitored my ketones and day 5 is when I usually enter nutritional ketosis and day 10 is when the ketones peak at 5 mmol/L. After that they soon drop and level off at 3 mmol/L.

So far, I’ve been feeling very good. Sleeping okay, too. My water intake consists of 16oz of water 1/4 tsp of lite salt, 1/4 tsp of regular salt, and a squirt of 0-cal flavoring. (~750mg of sodium and ~300mg of potassium)

Four (4) servings of this mix over the course of the day mean 64oz of water, 3000mg of sodium, and 1200mg of potassium.

I’m down 8 lbs so far. Mostly glycogen and water, I suspect. Fat burning really starts to pick up today now that I’m in nutritional ketosis, though. Excited to be in the fat burning zone. My fitness monitoring watch says I’m burning 2500 - 3000 Cals per day, so I figure I’m burning 0.70 to 0.85 lbs of fat per day at this point.

How is the fast going for you? I’m mostly bored after the work day is over. Aside from that, it seems to be going well here.


Well said… I am on day 5 of 7. Question: My GKI .9 day two and now down to .7. I can’t find anything except you need “doctor supervision” for low levels like you and I. The question is are we burning as much fat as the “optimal range” or more being in such deep therapeutic ketosis? Thanks and keep rockin it


I’m also on day 17 of a 30 day fast. I started February 22. My goal is maximum autophagy. I did a dexa scan in the beginning and I’ve been doing keto mojo. I’m jealous. My ketones are not as high as yours are 4.5-5.4. My GKI is around 1. I’m an athlete and I’m only doing very low impact exercise now.

DM me for support!5’3” SW 122
CW 107 GW 100


I’m on day 8 of 30. Done a couple 10 dayers in the past. Did a 30 day juice “fast” about a decade ago. I’m feeling pretty good. Difference this time is that I’m downing snake juice daily (1/2 teaspoon pink salt & epson salt, 1 teaspoon nusalt& baking soda). This has me feeling much better than previous fasts where I relied on supplements. Last night I had a meeting at a pizza joint and had to watch as everyone ate my favorite food. Wasn’t too put off, but there were definitely moments where I was in some serious envy. Will be turning 40 in April and it’s about time I really get serious about my health.

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