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40 day waterfast or One Meal every 120 hours for a period 65 days?

Since returning to my hometown life has been rough. Due to emotional eating I went from 78kg to 100kg. 2022 was horrendous.

As somebody who has always been in excellent shape (10% bf with abs for over a decade until last year) the way I look now doesnt match my own image of me. This has led to insecurity and more importantly physical issues.

Its harder to breath (like im forgetting to breath?!) and move around.

As I hit 30 recently I decided to step in before its too late and to return to the person I was before.

I have done lots of research in regards to longer waterfasts and am pretty intrigued by the idea of fasting for 40 days. Its mostly the mental challenge thats appealing.

However the process of re-introducing food feels a bit scary. Although i feel confident i know how to do it properly. This uneasy feeling just doesnt sit well with me.

I looked into the ideal period of fasting without any potential risk of refeeding-syndrom and some sources mention 120 hours.

If you were in my situation what would you go with? The 120 schedule seems easier and feels comfortable. However it wont give the same kind of satisfaction. The 40 day fast is way tougher but might come with some health risks…

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Like the other commenter said, it’s best to start small and work your way up. Jumping into a 40 day fast or rolling 120s is quite big. I completely understand the feeling of not recognizing yourself or feeling like yourself — I gained about 65lbs during Covid and my body still feels so foreign, even though I’ve dropped about 15 and am working on losing the rest. But yes, start with short fasts, see how your body responds and learn about yourself — what foods feel best for reintroduction, how you feel with or without added electrolytes, how much water you need to consume to feel good, how to pass the time, etc. Knowing all of those things will set you up for success in your longer fasts.

Best of luck to you!


A few thoughts:

  1. I think a 40-day fast is easier than rolling 120s. The first few days are hardest, then it gets easier. (Caveat: I’ve only done a 31-day fast, not a 40)
  2. At 120 hours, you may have problems restarting eating, as in, you’ll have to start slowly and let your digestive system ramp up. I question the viability of rolling 120s. If others have done them, please weigh in. I’m moderately experienced at 90 to 98 hour fasts, but still often have some GI distress on the first meal. Fasting another 24 hours would make things worse I think.
  3. I dove right in with fasting and started with a 16-day fast. So I would just start, and if things are going ok, just keep doing it :D If there are problems, break the fast and replan.
  4. The key bit with either approach is I would count on insomnia and probably feeling cold. Those are two common side effects. Are you at a life stage where having an irregular sleep schedule is ok? Do you work in a chilly environment?

If you’re just doing it for weight loss, consider rolling 72s. Others have done those, so I think it’s doable. You’ll also have a community of folks to ask questions of. I think of extended water fasts as serious medicine, and useful if you have health problems you’re trying to fix (e.g., autoimmune disease). Also, rolling 72s will have less of an insomnia issue than longer fasts.


I vote for the rolling 72’s, if just because it’ll be easier and less chance of complications.

Also, take a look at your eating plan. Lots of folks turn to extended fasts to lose weight, but never stress the eating habits that got them overweight.

Soooo, they lose all the weight. Then gain it back.

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