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40 Years ago...

M 57 6’1” SW 224 CW 189 GW?, At the beginning of this year I was around 245. I was feeling pretty bad and started to watch my diet as limiting my beer consumtion. By June I was at 224lbs and stumbled upon this group. I decided to go all out. Cut carbs down, cut sweets completely, cut out drinking. Started 18/6 then after a couple weeks went to OMAD but the last 2-3 weeks mostly TMAD.

For the first time since I graduated highschool in 1983 I am seeing the 180’s on the scale! I never would have thought it. I have not bought pants in a while and was looking pretty sloppy in my old 36’s that I had found tucked away in my closet. I ended up buying a pair of 32’s today- they are a little snug in the thighs but I did not want to waist money on 34’s.

Most of my adult life I have weighed in the 230-240 range but have reached the 270’s at one point. I had only slightly dipped below 200 for a short time in the early 90’s while I was lifting weights all the time. I suffer from gout pretty bad, I have several tophi in very places on my body. I have worked out on and off since June but over the last couple months I had some flair ups that kept me from much activity.

Just wanted to thank this group for the motivation and information-

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This is a great group and everyone encourages you to keep on going. I’m a female and I bought about 4 pants in size 4 and I thought that was going to be my smallest size. However I’ve been plugging along doing my OMAD and those pants are now too big. Wearing a O or 2 now and for a women that is simply crazy! Congratulations on your journey to a new you!

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