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45f looking to lose a few pounds and not seeing results. Halp!

Hi everyone, I love seeing everyone’s progress pics and was hopeful that IF could work for me over counting calories, which is crazy making for me. I’m a 45f, 5’7” and 130lbs. Just looking to lose about 5lbs to get back to my pre-pan weight. I run/walk usually about 10k-12k or 5 miles a day. I’m a vegetarian and have typically eaten whole foods for several years.

A few years ago I lost like 15lbs counting calories after an accident that caused me to be confined to a chair for 6 weeks. I got obsessive over counting calories and I didn’t ever want to go back to that mindset so I thought I’d try IF this time. I have been doing 18/6 for about a month now and lost two pounds right away but I haven’t lost anything since. Many days I struggle to make it to my feeding window where I’m just so damn hungry, foggy and listless. I am drinking “fasting salts”, a homemade snake juice recipe as well.

I’m kind of wondering why the heck I am doing this if I am so hungry all the time and am still going to have to count calories to lose weight. I could just eat all day, count calories and lose weight…. BUT like I said, I really don’t want to go back to that mindset.

What I’ve tried to improve the results: this past week I’m eating normally during my feeding window, but am trying keto recipes as the last thing I eat before my fasting window starts again. I’ve also added a couple tablespoons of MCT oil to my coffee to try to get me to through the last couple hours of my fasting window. Seems like it is helping somewhat with the hunger, but still no weight loss results.

I don’t really know why I’m posting, maybe just partially to vent, partially looking to see if there are others like me who are struggling to lose a few pounds, and maybe someone can give me pointers on what worked for them. Do I really have to add counting calories back in?

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You’re not overweight to begin with, at 5’7” and 130 lbs, so that means you’ll lose weight more slowly. It may just take time.

I’m sorry that fasting still feels so hard for you after a month! This might also be related to the fact that you aren’t overweight to begin with — not a ton of extra body fat to burn.

I’d suggest dropping back to 16:8 or even 14:10. And I also suggest lifting weights or doing bodyweight exercises. Building muscle will help bump up your metabolism.


>Do I really have to add counting calories back in?

IF offers various metabolic advantages but it is not magic- ultimately it is all about calories.
The line between a caloric deficit and surplus is very small, and you have to stay on the deficit end to lose weight.

I would track a week or two of what you are currently eating and see if your estimated portions are actually allowing you a deficit.
Could be all you need is to track for a bit to get back into the right portion sizes and food choices mindset, but once you do that you can stop tracking.
Or you may need to track forever.

But calories matter.


Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t able to hit your fasting window. Maybe you went to far to fast. Ease it up a little. When I started in July I was doing 12:12 and slowly shifted to 16:8. I thinking easing in has helped me stick to it.


I don’t know because I am 5’3” and would be thrilled to be 130 :) I am 138 now. If I were trying to be 115 lbs I would have to restrict to the point that things would get unhealthy and life would not be fun. Good luck!


You still need to be at a calorie deficit to lose weight. Fasting is helpful because is decreases fasting insulin levels enabling you to burn energy more efficiently, but again you still need to be at a calorie deficit.

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Categories: calories mindset struggle fasting salts lose weight keto oil coffee weight loss struggling overweight body fat lifting weight muscle magic deficit portion size to fast energy