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48hrs into a 7 day. Asking for tips on managing the headgame.

I am riding a unicycle right now and if I go too slow, I may just eat an entire brick of cream cheese.

What do you do to keep your head in the right space?

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Just honestly gotta stay busy. Go for a walk. Do a project. Go to work. Play a long video game. Lead a general strike. Work out. Do a crossword or jigsaw puzzle. Fix that piece of furniture you said you’d fix years ago but always put off because you never looked into that manual you had or watched a YouTube video because it looked like you’d need an expensive tool when really all you needed was some screws a few snaps and some wood workers glue and a flathead screwdriver but then your father in law shamed you because you’re not as handy as he is but what does he care I mean he doesn’t really fix anything anyways if he’s so good at it he can fix it besides it’s not like he’s busy anyway since all he does is sit in that recliner and yell at the TV all day and drink cheap beer but if he could actually fix it anyway he’d’ve probably fixed that damn recliner that’s super broken anyway which is probably why he yells at the TV all day and his wife and probably explains a lot about why my wife yells at me and maybe I should just fix the ottoman oh God.

Knitting. Sports or another form of recreation. Reading about fasting.


Hunger is temporary. Craving, however, you should pay attention to. Question yourself until you figure out WHY you want what you want. Are you bored? Are you lonely? Sad? Tired? Do you need electrolytes?

Once you know the answer you won’t want that brick of cream cheese (which is the typical sort of food that will make you question “wtf is going on with me?”)


Cheers for 48 hours!

If you are fasting and obsessing about not eating that is a huge mental disservice to yourself! I liken it to a person who’s quitting smoking. At first all they think about is the fact that they are NOT smoking. Nonsmokers NEVER think about the fact that they are not smoking. Focus your mind/thoughts on something (anything) so you don’t obsess. Focus on your REASONS for fasting. Easier said than done for sure!

Pay attention to how you are feeling. Ending a fast early is not a failure. Regroup and try again. Many say that there is a 72 hour hump to get over and then they settle in and feel improvement with the process. The only true failure (in anything) is not trying.


Hey! I’m at 60 hours now, going for 5 days and if I feel okay at 5, going for 7 too. It’s my first time doing an extended fast and I found day 2 to be the much tougher than day 1 in terms of cravings.

I’m taking some time off work so tougher to “stay busy”. I binged watched a ton of fasting videos on YouTube during the first two days :P


The weird thing is I research more recipes when I fast and use it as motivation. Ill make this in x days as a reward. The problem is I need to limit my rewards. Otherwise, go to bed earlier. I sleep the best when I fast. Finally, give yourself a “treat” to trick your mind. I fasted for 30 days and had a glass of hot black tea at night. I really looked forward to that tasteless drink every night and felt content when I finished it.


I haven’t made a 7 day fast myself but do 3 days periodically. For me, i have to stay busy. Working, going for a walk, gym, anything to keep my mind off of food. Boredom is the hardest thing for me.

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Categories: tips beer electrolytes a fast extended fast binge reward sleep tea 7 day fast