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5:2 coffee

Hey! I am just starting the 5:2, I try to get through my fasting days with no food and just have a small dinner at night. However, I have a soy latte every day, I know this isn’t helping my fasting.. do I have to give it up on these days to see results? I’m guna be so sad without it, but what’s the point of fasting if that’s what’s going to stop me right? What have you guys done and what worked??

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I successfully lost over 30lbs on OMAD and I was drinking coffee with milk daily, sometimes twice a day.

While the soy milk in your coffee is technically breaking your fast, if you are primarily doing this for weight loss, I wouldn’t stress over those 50 calories.

I gained all the weight back, so I am jumping back on the wagon, and I putting oat milk in my coffee every morning. It’s the one pleasure I allow myself.

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