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5:2 Fast Day Schedule Help

Looking for guidance on fast day eating schedule under a 5:2 regimen. I know to keep total intake under 600cal, but I’m not clear on the best practice for feeding time window(s) and frequency. Do I hold things to one meal at an ideal time, or can I do two to three small meals at different times, spaced apart? Also, should I not excercise on fast days?

43M, 159lb, 28% bmi, looking to eliminate visceral fat.


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On the :2 days, you’re probably better off just doing one meal. Spreading the calories out might just make you even hungrier and you’ll be thinking about food all day. It may sound odd considering on the one meal you’re not eating most of the day, but eating releases hormones which increase hunger, and if you don’t eat, the hunger cues wont be as bad.

Or you can try fasting for those 2 days.

You can exercise on those days, but don’t overdo it, especially at the beginning while you’re figuring out how your body reacts. Cardio is fine; strength training probably not ideal.

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