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50g of protein at one meal and 'optimal protein absorption 10g an hour' ?

reading about protein and larger meals vs smaller meals more often……if ‘the body optimally absorbs 10g of protein an hour’ and you eat 50 g of protein in one sitting does that mean the bulk of that protein isnt getting absorbed? just passes through on some level, not getting utilized?

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There’s no clear data that shows this, protein is the most scarce macro nutrient in nature, do you really think it’s likely that your body would waste it?

I have yet to see any good studies showing a good effect on timed protein intake or anything like it.


There is an important distinction to be made between protein absorbed into the bloodstream/body and protein absorbed that goes into muscle building. The latter being what people often mean when they say that.

As far as protein absorbed into the bloodstream, that amount is enormous. If you eat a big ol steak, you bet that all those amino acids are going to get absorbed and use throughout the body. How much of that actually goes to to building muscle is still up for debate.

In my case I prefer to cover all my bases and get plenty of protein to make certain that I’m getting the maximum use out of my training. Besides, let’s say the peak absorption was something like 10g per hour, is that even actionable for most people? Are you gonna eat a few bites of your steak every hour?


Source of protein >> protein. All protein is not made equal. So all these macro based recommendations are mostly useless.

There are studies that show a lot of protein reduces life expectancy. Especially if source is animal protein.

It can help in the short term for muscle building sure.


On average, yes. There are still exceptions to the rule, like anabolic windows post-exercise, increased insulin secretion when combining protein with carbs, etc, which will encourage higher rates of protein absorption.

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