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50lbs in 6 months

Is it possible to lose 50 lbs in 6 months doing omad and working out 4 times a week? I have a vacation in June. I’m currently 280lbs and Male.

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It’s definitely possible. It all comes down to calorie math, at the end of the day. I lost 80lbs in 4 months when I was in college.

More importantly will be permanently adapting your lifestyle so you ensure you don’t yo-yo back like so many people do when they lose weight quickly… speaking from experience here 🫣


It’s definitely possible. Last year I lost 100lbs in just over 6 months. I cut out sugar, soda, processed carbs, tracked my calories (about 1800 /day), and mixed in some intermittent fasting. Honestly about 90% of my progress was just from changing my eating habits.

I started at 370 though and can generally lose ()and also gain unfortunately) weight pretty quickly, so individual results might very. I think 50lbs in 6 months is absolutely possible if you’re committed.


I’ve lost 30 pounds in three months so far through OMAD. I think it’s very possible and working out regularly would support that too. I don’t add exercise to my daily routine though I do walk 7-10k Monday through Friday due to being a commuter + my job.


Yeah. You gotta buckle down though.

When I started my original goal was to go on a vacation and not the the fat ugly American. I was trying to lose 65 pounds in about 6 months and sailed right past that.

So put the clamps on and go for it.


I started at 265 16:8 lost 30lbs in 3 months no excersize, but I have a physically demanding job. Just cut out the garbage food and the booze. Inspired quite a few of my hefty buddies as well. You got this bro


Rough maths. You need 3500 calorie deficit for 1 pound weight loss.

You need:

3500*50/183 of deficit a day. This equates to 983, ~1k deficit a day.

Very doable if you say you’ll work out 4 times a week.

Roughly 26x4= 104 workout sessions in six months. If you burn around 500 active calories in reach of them. You’re already 500*104/183 average deficit a day by exercising alone. , which is 284 calories.

Need to eat 700ish calories less per day then your BMR.

Assuming your BMR is 1900, the question is:

  1. Can you be disciplined enough to eat only 1200 calories a day?
  2. Can you stick to your exercise schedule ?

All the very best!!


I have no idea. Can you take 40 or 30? It’s still a great result and worth fighting for.Count your TDEE and subtract 500kcal. Eat, fast, exercise, and watch what’s happening. I hope you will be happy with a result! Good luck!

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Categories: omad working out yo-yo lose weight sugar soda carbs calories intermittent fasting habits deficit weight loss