| | Water Fasting

54 yo female looking to get started

Can anyone point me to some free resources that tell me how to get started/how to do IF for my age and body type? Not looking for quick, miracle weight-loss junk. I’m in relatively good shape, just want to keep it that way and lose the pounds that came back after I reintroduced sugar into my diet after being on Whole 30 for 2 years. Thank you!

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So finish dinner tonight, open up the Life app, hit start fast. That’s it. You’re fasting. Don’t eat again until you’ve reached your goal. Start at 14 hours. See how easy that is. Do 16. Work up to more.

It’s really that simple. People psych themselves out and plan and it’s just a matter of not snacking after dinner until you hit your goal the next day. You can quite literally start today.


You can hire a coach at The Fasting Method which is what I did. I’m 69 and 30-40 lbs overweight. Consultant is great. Very straightforward. Much better than trying to sift through all the differing opinions on Reddit fora.


It was pretty easy to start. I’m 51F. I would say start out 14 hours fasting and 10 hour eating window. When you feel comfortable with that just shorten it an hour. Shorten it by an hour a week if you can. Right now I’m doing about 19/5 or 18/6 most days.

Drink LOTS of water - that is the trick. If you get hungry in the morning make yourself drink 2 glasses of water and just tell yourself that if you really need to eat in 30 min you will. I found that the hunger passes if I get busy and/or drink water.

If you are going to take pictures I find that sideways is best. You won’t see as much change from straight on pictures. Also using a measuring tape - much better sometime than the scale (yes, they will lie!).

If you can listen to Dr. Andrew Huberman’s YouTube or podcast on IF or get Dr. Fung’s book - there are other nuances that they will describe that will help.

Also, don’t overeat. Just because you miss a meal doesn’t mean you have to eat twice as much. Just eat a much as you normally would.

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Categories: sugar dinner snack overweight eating window morning fung