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6'3" 290lb Male - What should my caloric intake be?

Hey guys, new to the sub and the fasting world. 10yrs ago I was 225lbs and at my largest I weighed 315lbs.

I started eating less about a week ago and a friend put me onto this subreddit. I’d like to give this a shot, but I truly don’t even know how much I should be eating during the eat windows.

I’m also strongly considering the OMAD approach because i work 12hrs and don’t eat already. However, typically what I did was go home, eat before bed and likely eat after I woke up.

I’ve got a ton of questions so any advice is appreciated! Thanks

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The key to fasting… don’t make it more complicated than it really is. I’ve been doing IF for three years now and have had great results. My advice… don’t worry about apps to track your fast…stop looking at the scale… when your eating window is open, eat a healthy meal (subjective I know). When it’s time to fast…stop eating. Base your results on how you feel and how your clothes fit compared to staring at a scale. Also…not popular I know, but have a cheat day once a week…I don’t mean gorge yourself, but if you feel like eating some pizza with a soda…go for it.

Just remember… fasting is a rollercoaster. Stick with it and you’ll be fine.

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