| | Water Fasting

6'4 - 275 lbs Starting Today!

Starting the snake juice diet today. Getting ready to join the Airforce and the recruiter basically called me a FATTY. Didn’t even want me in his office until I was at least 235 lbs. Made my first batch of snake juice for tomorrow. 2L of well water. 1 tsp pink salt, 2 top No Salt, 8 tbsp Lemon juice, 4 tbsp ACV. Mixed it all up to drink throughout tomorrow. Should I start with a 48 hour fast? Does anyone recommend shooting for 72 right off the rip?? Thanks in advance!

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Bro, drink this with a straw, as acv and lemon can wreck your teeth. Cole did a video on his channel about how it messed his teeth up. He recommends using a straw for lemon juice. His new SJ recipe omits the lemon juice and ACV.


72s if you can stand it. 48 is fine too. I like 48s because they dont disrupt my sleep as much, but weight will drop quicker with 72s.

Stick to keto if you can for your refeeds. Drink the snake juice slow enough to not shit your pants. Dont be afraid to have some regular water too.

For your next batch, omit the lemon juice and ACV.

If you find you can’t make it through 48, do 3 days of keto first. Then try again.


I recommend starting slow. Unless you know how your body will react without constant food. Some people have trouble sleeping. Some have other discomforts.

Try skipping breakfast for a few days, then breakfast and lunch. See how your body reacts. If you feel good, sleep well, keep fasting.

PLay it by ear. Good luck!

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Categories: juice diet pink salt 48 hour fast sleep keto shit lunch