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7 day dry fast at home?

I have been reading the dry fast book by Ivan and he says you shouldn’t fast more than 5 days at home.

I want to do a soft dry for severe depression that has made me not happy with my productivity

Any tips also from those who have done 7 days?

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As long as you’ve water fasted before for as many days or longer, or dry fasted for 3 to 5 days on your own, seven days of dry fasting shouldn’t be a problem at home alone – barring any contraindicated medical issues or mental problems.

Proceed with care and be good to yourself.


I’d only do a dry fast for 3 days tops, then switch to water fasting.Unless you have an absolutely incredible amount of body fat to break down via autophagy, it’s very unhealthy to dry fast too long.Water fasting after the 3 days will allow you to push the last bit.

Anything longer, you’ll want a qualified supervisor to make sure you’re not just killing yourself lol. Make sure to increase your electrolytes the day before you begin too.

I’m about to do a 3 day dry fast followed by 2 days of water fasting before reintroducing food. Maybe the last day I’ll have black coffee and some tea instead of just water.

Then, bone broth for the first ‘meal’. It’s important that you break your fast properly.

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