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7 day dry fast complete - lessons learned.

I just completeed my first phoenix protocol 7 day (soft) dry fast. It was a humbling experience made me appreciate water in a way I never thought of. I lost 27 pounds in that time frame (186 down to 159, I’m 5’10) but will probably regain 7-10 of those pounds in water weight as I rehydrate/refeed. For context I’ve done several water fasts before up to 7 days, so my experience isn’t necessarily the same as someone going in dry, no pun intended.

My personal experience was pretty much like this:

Probably the most interesting part of it all was how often I would physically feel tingles and sensations at the sites of old injuries. Where I had a fall, broke my arm and pelvis in the past, really bad muscle cramps, even the side of my head where I had a side-splitting headache doing my first water fast years ago without electrolyte. It was like my body was touching up on the stuff they never fully healed.

Outside of the last 3 nights and the colon issues, this was probably easier than every 7 day wet fast I’ve had. The results were phenomenal for the short time span, and just taken occasional showers made it 100% comfortable through every daytime period with enough energy to keep functioning normally.

I probably won’t do another dry fast for a year, but I learned some lessons, I just don’t know how to deal with the insomnia. Unlike what August Dunning has talked about I could not ONCE nap throughout the day, always had nervous energy, and couldn’t stay still for that long to get into actual sleep during the day. Cool showers, cool fans, even a fancy self-cooling japanese blanket I got from a friend didn’t help me to leave the threshold of the waking state.

If I could figure out how to overcome the insomnia bit (and buy an enema tool) I feel like I could do this yearly for the rest of my life. But I might want to pack on some fat to be safe, it really flew off me fast, I don’t want to put myself in too low of a fat state. Interested to see how the whole stem cell and immune system regeneration goes in the weeks to come. Nothing super noticeable here at the start of day 8 other than a place I pulled a hip muscle years ago in Judo no longer feeling tight at all when it was consistently in the past.

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Thanks for sharing. I am completing Day 2 of a targeted 5 day fast. I want to do the 7 days but have only done a few shorter fasts and not sure I will be get thru your last 3 days experience due to impact on work. Great to have the details.



I had to break my first ever DF because of insomnia. But my last 5 day DF was mostly enlightening. I kind of just accepted the insomnia for what it was.

What sucks is when you have insomnia plus no energy. Sometimes I would have insomnia but have energy. So I could at least go outside and walk around and stuff.

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