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9 day dry fast exacerbates skin issues, advice needed

Hey guys, I need your advice and guidance.

I´m trying to heal my skin issues. I have done a 7 day dry fast in september and since then I´ve been doing 2 or 3 day dry fast every week. So to completely heal my issues I´ve done a 9 day dry fast end of february. While I was fasting, my skin was perfect. I´m currently on day 6 of my refeed protocol.

The problem is my skin issues is currently completely exacerbated, while I´m eating my “safe” foods I know I´m tolerating. Filinov said it takes 21 days to see the full effect of the fast. Now I´m quite unsure in which context I should hold this situation, maybe it´s a prolonged healing crisis?

I´m looking forward to your input.

Kind regards.

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Possible it’s related to dentistry and your body having a bad reaction to either the metal fillings or decaying innards of a root canal?

Only other thoughts would be a virus or heavy metals in the body but I don’t think a virus could survive an 11 day dry fast. I don’t have a good understanding on how dry fasting helps with metals like lead in the body but there are many methods to chelate.

After many years of researching illness those 2 would be my best guess.

Regarding teeth look up the Huggins protocol.


I am dealing with similar issues. I just finished a day 1-3 soft dry, day 4 water fast, day 5-7 soft dry, day 8 water with salt, potassium and magnesium; 1 juice with beet, celery, kale, ginger, cucumber, lemon (my blood ketones went above 8 mmol/l so I needed to alkalize my blood), day 9-10 dry.

I had completely clear skin for 4 months and after refeeding with juice and clearing the toxins I broke out with 5 blind pimples all on my nose. None of them will come to a head and they are deep and painful. From what I know the nose breaks out when there are digestive issues. Breakouts are ramped up when the gut microbiome shifts. Since the skin is the largest organ in the body breakouts are common when some toxins are looking for the fastest route out of of the body instead of waiting for expulsion or being burned up as fuel. 21 days is not recommended to do without supervision. I am doing successive dry fasts and already started my 14 day soft dry to help. The rule of thumb is 1.5x-2x the length of your dry fast to break in between fast; however, I only took one day alkalizing and jumped back into dry fasting to let my body heal since a healing crisis presented itself.

My best guess is your breakouts are caused from the shift in your microbiome. September was a long time in between this fast so it may take several closer together dry fasts to get the results of a 21 day Sergey Filonov refers to. Several shorter fasts will still heal and be safer to do without supervision. I personally have a smart ring to monitor vitals 24/7 and check my blood sugar and blood ketones daily with meters. To figure out autophaghy the formula is (glucose ÷ blood ketones). Dr. Boz ratio to measure autophagy (Dr. Annette Bosworth, MD). You can look up videos on autophagy. It is in this phase which the body maximizes healing and sometimes the problems get worse before they can get better.

Good luck with your fasts to clear things up. Also, remember to listen to your body because humans are genetically programmed to heal in autophagy.


I’m also suffering from eczema and I’m looking for the way to eradicate it. So far I have been doing weekly three day dry fasts and I can’t really say that I have any positive results . Thanks for your input


Have you been taking chicken bone broth? With the collagen and minerals, it may help with the nutrition. The collagen is very bioavailable. Collagen is critical for skin healing. Asians have been taking it for centuries.

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