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A friendly reminder for the holidays.

What you do between Christmas and New Year’s does not matter as compared to what you do between new year’s and Christmas! Take time to enjoy and have fun with friends and family, that will only put you in a happier place to begin the new year with the right mindset.

Happy holidays!

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Listen, I like to eat. I like to eat good food. My birthday is right between Xmas and New Years so it’s a weeklong celebration. I’m not in a race and I’ll get to where I’m going when I get there. Cheers, pass the pie…….yes this is my third slice. F off.


The more I fall off the wagon the better it will feel to get back on come the new year. No matter what happens, I started off 30 lbs lighter than this time last year thanks to IF.

Here’s to a new year and a fresh start towards finally demolishing my goals once and for all.


facts. Although I’m pretty sure over a year of IF has programmed my brain/stomach to not jam as much down the hatch as I used too. That being said, haven’t really been worried about the eating window till after new year.


Heck yeah, I just spent three days packing in delicious food and drinks with no thoughts towards IF. The 27th was my day to get back to it and that’s what I’m doing (24 hour fast/reset.) Everything in moderation, even moderation.


Great post! It’s easy to think “setback” instead of “holiday cheer.” I was very fast and loose this weekend, will be a little fast and loose this week. Then back at it. No matter what, I’ll be further along than I was this time last year (or even six months ago). With holidays behind us, I can refocus and feel the way I’ve been feeling for the last couple months which has been amazing. The thing that’s proven IF as a way of life and not a fad is how it can fit into my lifestyle and can have breaks without ruining everything. It’s the first thing I’ve done that’s absorbed things like holidays and whatnot and offered a way forward. Enjoy your holidays, y’all!


What I really like about 20:4 or OMAD is that it helps me prioritize. I know I won’t be able to eat everything I would like to without making myself sick, so I’ll skip the chips that aren’t my favorite, I’ll only eat a little bit of that sticky sweet pudding, just enough to enjoy the taste.

Even with loosening myself up to 18:6 or 16:8, I’m maintaining and working back up to 20:4/OMAD this week helps me minimize the grazing on leftovers.


I needed to hear this! It’s been four days of indulging and overeating but I’m anxious and happy to get back on IF tomorrow. No matter what, I’ve lost weight over the last 5 months and I sure won’t gain it all back in 4 days!


Thanks, I slipped a lot this Christmas week. Lots of cake, pie, lunch and dinner with family. Scale says I gained 8 pounds. Been on a losing streak for 5 months so far, lost 50 pounds so seeing that 8 pound gain made me sad to see and made me want to get back on track now.


Determined to do what I needed to do for the holidays that throw off my normal daily eating and activities, then get back ASAP. Feeling good and pleased and not out of sorts. Besides, I’d rather visit and enjoy friends and family while singing karaoke to have great memories and perhaps a small hangover, perhaps. *siGh*

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Categories: holidays mindset stomach eating window 24 hour fast tea omad sick lunch dinner