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A Serious Discussion on Dry Fasting

I very well do enjoy dry fasting. I typically do a hard dry fast (No contact with water, not even on the skin once).

My concern comes from long hard dry fasting, how long can one actually go without risking their life, compared to soft dry fasting?

Dr. Filinov has some interesting work on dry fasting up to 11 days. A ton of people on this sub know about this. But when everyone uses Filinov as an example, saying on there being no worries on long hard dry fasting, they never mention that Dr. Filinov’s talk of 11 days of dry fasting contained routines that involved contact with water. Does Filinov even support hard dry fasting and what’s his take on electrolytes?

Is there any work or research showing the safety of not just LONG SOFT DRY FASTS but also LONG HARD DRY FASTS? I can’t find any at the moment.

Thank you for your time, I am planning on doing a long hard dry fast myself unless if soft is superior.

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The only thing I’d guess a hard dry fast would help with is if you have skin diseases or infections. Acne, wounds etc.

The lack of water would hurt surface bacteria.

Even then there is really no reason for you to not use cleaning aids like the dry cleaning stuff hitchhikers use.


Theoretically you can go as long as you have body fat. The problem is going to come from depletion of electrolytes. I know in myself when i run low on potassium i get uncontrollable foot cramps that make me wish I was dead.

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