So I’ve been intermittent fasting for about a month now and have lost like 17 lbs. My stomach was feeling fine, aside occasional hunger pangs in morning and night. But for the past 48 hours or so out of nowhere it seems, I’ve been having on and off cramping in many different areas of my abdomen. It is intermittent lol not constant. Is anyone else experiencing this? Also, it seems like my stool is more acidic than normal. Sorry, tmi. Maybe I need to eat foods that are less acidic?
Your kidney is having a hard time neutralizing the acid in your blood and or passing up the opportunity to neutralize your stomach content too. Here is what I would do. I grab a glass and put about a mouthful of water or two. Add 1/2 tap of baking soda, swish and down followed immediately with a mouthful or two of cold water to rinse because it tastes bad. I will belch and feel better in no time as it works immediately. Having too much makes your skin itchy after a bit because it will leach through your pours but if you don’t have too much you will be perfectly safe. What you are eating is causing the acidity. Avoid eating carbs and fat at the same time.