| | Water Fasting

About how many hours of dry fasting do I need to reach my goal ?

I currently weight 130 pounds and I would like to lose about 15-20 pounds ( 4ft 11 / Female)

I have some experience with dry/water and intermittent fasting.

(110-115 pounds as always been my natural weight)

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Average loss is 2-3 dry some people 4-5 and average weight loss water 1.5-2 I have the same journey I want to drop 20-22 pounds I have a three week plan and three weeek refeed plan 4 days dry fast the water then dry on and off till the 3 weeks are over then slowing introduce water,juices for a week then fruits and veggies then meats


From another girl, you are already at a good healthy weight so reaching your goal won’t take long at all. I think if you did a weekly dry fast, then refeed on super healthy food (no sugar, no grains, no low fat crap) then did a water fast as well once a week you could easily get this done super safely in a month or month and a half. I’ve lost 15 lbs in a week before, it was accidental I didn’t have much appetite and only ate eggs and bacon until I was full, bam end of week my pooch was gone lol Definitely keep your electrolytes up! You can get something called body armor lyte that was no sugar and that’s how I lost weight faster was to not eat anything sugary for my refeeds and stay super clean eating those few weeks.

I ate eggs, bacon, sausage (just breakfast sausage) chicken thighs with the skin on, steak, ground beef and heavy cream in my coffee with stevia to sweeten and body armor lyte for extra minerals and electrolytes.

I take a magnesium sup, I use iodine with potassium in my water, two drops, and I make sure I use real salt on my food.

I went from barely fitting a stretchy size 4 to size 2 with room.Carnivore might not work for you, but for most women we need a lot of fat to lose weight, this worked for me and works for a lot of people.

Once again you are at a good weight (not saying this to deter you, but let you know you are already in good shape and shouldn’t feel rushed to lose weight the way some do need to for health reasons)

So I believe you can reach your goals easily, good luck and make plenty of time for self care! Women also hold onto weight when we’re stressed, so indulge in areas that make you feel wonderful, your fav movies, soaking in a scented bath, a hike in your favorite park, anything that makes you feel peace.

(Apologize in advance for any errors, I have two adorable kids crawling all over me lol)

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