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Accidentally broke my fast and I feel so awful

I’m a beginner at IF, today’s my third day. Been fasting 16-18 hours past two days and I was aiming to fast for 18 hours today, but at the 6th hour mark I accidentally ate a small 1 inch piece of potato trying to check whether it’s cooked or not😭 I’ve been feeling awful can someone people advice if it’s gonna affect my fast badly or do I just continue the fast

Any help appreciated please

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Just keep going. You are 3 days in. I have been doing this 5 years. One day, one bite like you said, will not derail your long term goals so long as you stay consistent over the long term. Does not need to be perfect but it does need to be consistent.


I’m doing rolling 48s right now. It’s been only for a week, but hell, how often can a human being eat something by accident!? Almost every second day, when it was food-day I prepared the meal in the morning and was supposed to eat it at the evening, but tried way too often by accident. I felt like a cat someone is trying to keep away from thuna someone spilled on the floor. I spit it out if I realise it, if not, so what? It doesn’t kill me and neither does it kill you. You will get used to ur fasting schedule and it won’t happen anymore. And if it does, look two sentences before. Stay strong!


Don’t beat yourself up over this. Stuff happens. You’re human.

IF is a process that can make you more aware of how you eat and why. You don’t need to toss guilt in there. If anything, guilt will make the learning process harder.

All of us fall short when we measure ourselves against perfection.

So just keep going.


If you let little bitty things like that affect you, you are almost certainly going to burn out and fail.

You’ve got to roll with the punches and constantly recommit. Focus on things that actually matter. Anything under 30 calories is not worth caring about

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