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Accountability Post - first 48 hour fast!

I know 48 hours isn’t much compared to what so many have accomplished in this sub, but it’ll be my first time attempting it. Before this I’ve completed a couple 36 hour fasts, but I had a really hard time with hunger and feeling ravenous in the last few hours. I have a lot of anxiety around the possibility of failing, which is why I am posting here- this community is so helpful and so supportive!

My stats: F, 34, 5’2”. I am currently 157 pounds, goal weight is 125 or 130.

To support my next 48 hours, my plans include:

  1. Any time I feel hunger, I will drink an entire glass of water and then sip on black coffee, plain tea, or sparkling water. I will also use my electrolyte drops in those beverages.
  2. Distractions include: running an errand, doing a face mask, whitening my teeth, taking a shower, going for a walk outside, walking on my treadmill desk while streaming a TV show on my computer, start a puzzle.
  3. Repeating some mantras from my post last week in the IF sub, specifically: Discipline is self love. I am doing this for myself. The feeling of hunger is exactly what I want: it’s the physical feeling of my body eating away its own fat. I’ll thank myself for this later! I’ve done much harder things.

I plan to come back here and post updates as I feel like I need to!

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18 hours in and I feel really good so far. I’ve had lots of black coffee and plain water. I even prepped my husband’s dinner and put it in the fridge for him to microwave later! I know I won’t want to cook later on when the feelings of hunger are likely to be present.


21.5 hours in and still feeling mostly good! I started to feel some hunger in the last hour, so I chugged a glass of water and then cracked open a LaCroix (sparkling water) to keep my mouth occupied.

Picking the baby up from daycare now and will be very distracted with her until 7 PM when she is down for the night. So my upcoming challenge will be to continue the fast from 7 PM til bedtime, around 10 PM.

Hopefully my next check-in on here is a positive one!

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