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Adding in OMAD days 1 month progress - 8.8 lb loss

Hey guys. Just wanted to share my progress from January..

I started mixing in a few OMAD days (1-2 23:1, couple 20:4, no more than 6 hour eating window other days) into my IF routine and also started clean fasting (no more diet soda during fasting hours) to change it up and get past a plateau I was having.

I broke thru and lost 8.8 lbs over the month of January and am officially out of the obese category :) I am about 20 lbs down from my SW: 209 lb. - started October 2021 with 16:8. Really happy about the progress I’m making!

LOVING OMAD but having some struggles (my main struggle is planning meals with enough cals that can be eaten in one sitting without obsessing over it - this is why I tend to go to a 20:4 rather than a 23:1)

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First - Congratulations! Most people can’t imagine the idea of only eating once a day. It shows a lot of commitment!

Regarding the calories, I’ve never tracked mine. I eat till I’m happy during my window and then I’m done for the day. I’m a sweets guy, - so no worries getting my calories in.

My advice - don’t obsess and be proud of yourself!

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Categories: omad eating window clean fast soda fasting hours tea obese struggle calories