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advice/critique on fasting strategy

electrolytes: Salt shots paired with swigs of water; 1.1g iodized table salt combined with 0.64g no-salt taken 3-4 times per day, while I also take a 500mg magnesium pill in the AM

beverages: At first I drank a ton of GFuel/sugar-free sport mix/coffee which made me constantly urinate with the occasional miso soup, now I somewhat drink water with very rare sips of matcha or pickle juice. I’m not dehydrated or over-hydrated per say, but i dont know if I’m drinking enough now.

symptoms: usually the morning on day three is misery for me, i either aggressively vomit or get stomach cramps for a few hours and end up stopping my fast. Sometimes I’ll get tingly limbs or headaches which I believe cues for more electrolytes, but if I take more and it doesn’t go away I usually try and stop my fast again.

Id love to go for more prolonged periods, hence I seek advice—in addition I do understand it takes practice and patience.

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You shouldn’t be vomiting. At all. If you’ve got your electrolytes in their proper ratios, and you’re hydrated properly, at most you’ll get bouts of nausea.I’m thinking those shots on day 3 too high in sodium all at once.


You could be over doing the sodium. I used to do salt water and take the fasting salts and got nauseous and wound up with edema. Since switching to the Reset fasting electrolyte capsules which have a balanced blend of 6 of the major electrolytes plus methylated b-12, I feel so much better on EF’s!

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