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Advice for adding a 48hr fast once a week?

Currently fasting 20-4 with limited weekend fasting. I want to add a 48h fast once a week for autophagy benefits. Any suggestions for easing into that?

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I’ve been rolling 48s for the past 3 weeks. Ate back to back on weekends and did 48s MWF. Pretty tough for the first 2 weeks. Tried snake juice and that didn’t work for me. This week I switched to Bullion Cubes and added the potassium and magnesium salts in there and it’s much easier now.

At 40 cals per cube (mostly fat) I divide them into 4-5 servings, 2 of which I’m drinking at dinner time. I’m probably not as deep into autophagy as I’d like to be but it’s fine for me since my goal at the moment is fat loss and CICO is still at work.


I try to do one 48-hour fast per week. It was easier at first, funnily enough; I’m finding it more difficult recently. I start to get very slightly lightheaded around the 24-28 hour mark in a way that isn’t completely fixed by taking electrolytes, but if I power through that to the following morning it’s fine.

I’d just try it if I were you, and if you start to feel extremely bad 24 hours in break your fast and try again next week. Hypoglycemia can be bad news.


Work your way up. Shoot for 36 hours, which is basically skipping a day. If you hit 36 and still feel fine just keep going. If you’re struggling, break the fast and try again a different day. I’ve worked myself up to 80+hrs comfortably.


What everyone else said. Shoot for 48, but if you only make 32, or 38, or 40. No big deal. You can try again. It really is true, the more you fast, the raise it gets. I’m doing 42:6 right now. Noooo way I could have done this a few months ago.

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