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Advice for first time OMAD?

Hi everyone! I would like to throw some Omad days in my week I’m doing 18:6 now.

Any advice first time doing OMAD? I work as a chef for around 12 hours a day so as long as I’m busy it would be fine I think. What would be the best time to eat? And around how much calories should I eat?

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Eating fewer carbohydrates will help with hunger. In the beginning focus more on maintaining the schedule over what you eat. For me, I enjoy having a larger meal towards the end of the day, but experiment and do what feels the best for you. Be compassionate throughout the process and drink plenty of water.


I love OMAD and have great weight loss results so far.

OMAD works best for me due to my busy schedule too. I like dinner because I workout before (I prefer working out in fasted state) and it’s a very social meal. Having dinner with my partner is something I enjoy.

You should calculate your TDEE and eat at your typical caloric deficit (-500 for 1 lb loss per week).


The hardest lart for me is getting enough food in one setting, so i usually get an “entrée” half an hour before my main course.

And you need to get enough fat, it really help to feel satiated until the next window( im not saying to drink a gallon of olive oil)

You can also move slowly, like going 20/4 with 2 meal, then move on 22/2 with a shake+ a meal until you are confortable at a 23/1.

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