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Advice needed on irregular schedule: how to maintain 16:8 on early work day?

Can you guys please help? Normally I wake up at 9 ish. I eat 16:8, from 10:30am-6:30pm. It is fine. (I go to sleep at 10:45pm but I am up from 5:45am-7:45am and then go back to sleep for a bit.)

However, twice a week I have to get up at 5:45am (and I often wake up at 3 ish and can’t fall back asleep), get dropped off at work at 7am, take a walk, start work at 8:30am, and finish at 3:30pm. On these days I CANNOT HANDLE THE HUNGER. I don’t know what to do to make it easier. I feel nauseated and dizzy in the morning, I can barely focus on work, I’m stressed, I feel hungry all day at work (and usually eat all day - have been known to have lunch at 9am, & buy extra snacks later). I get home absolutely starving and eat dinner, then end up snacking heavily in the later evening too, due to feeling unsatisfied. I know it is partly due to the stress of work, hormones from lack of sleep, etc. BUT, while I am working hard to improve where I can, I would like some more advice on how to maintain an eating window on these 2 days.

Thank you!

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That must be pretty frustrating.

I would advise trying a warm tea (green) on those early days. There are several types but some kind of warm water based drink, in my experience, has helped.

The other option is to switch up your IF window on those 2 days. If you average IMHO a fasting window of 16 hrs, then it could work.

One of the benefits of IF is the flexibility because ya know, life happens! And that’s ok love!

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