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[Advice needed] severe hair loss after 115 lb weight loss

Per the advice of wonderful folks on this sub, I ate at maintenance for 2 months until recently to stop the severe hair loss I had been experiencing. Maintenance eating helped slow down hair loss.

But since I still have 14 lbs to lose to reach normal weight, I started OMAD and calorie deficit 2 weeks ago, which immediately resulted in further severe hair loss to the point that I can see my scalp in places now.

Any advice on how to lose the last 14lbs while not losing more hair? Thanks so much for any advice.

Details: Late 30s F. 5 ft 2 in. Highest weight: 265 lb (Oct 2021). IF starting weight: 253 lb (Dec 2021). Current weight: 150 lb (Oct 2022).

IF protocol:

Dec 2021-July 2022: combination of OMAD and rolling 30-48 fasts. 1500 calories on average per meal.

Aug-Sept 2022: Eating at maintenance of 2200 calories to stop hair loss.

Oct 2022: OMAD at 1750 calories to lose the last 14 lbs.

Exercise: 45 min jogging + 1 hour of light walking/biking everyday. 10 min of body weight training 2-3x per week. According to my Apple Watch, I burn 2300 calories per day.

Nutrition: I take a multivitamin everyday. I also eat 7-8 servings of vegetables + 3 servings of fruits + 100+g of protein every single day, which should prevent nutritional deficiencies.

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This is sadly somewhat unavoidable for some people. It doesn’t have to do with fasting per se, but with fast weight loss (or even just weight loss).

You can try adding other supplements (folic acid, for example), but I think the best way is going to a doctor, who will tell you whether your hair loss is temporary or something more permanent, and the best way forward.

Another somewhat sad thing (or maybe good in your case) is that hair loss has a lot to do with what you were doing 3-6 months ago. So maybe the situation will normalize in that time.


Congratulations on your weight loss! As far as I know, because this is a fairly common response by your body to stress, it may be out of control as you continue losing weight.

But what about buying clip in hair pieces or wearing your hair differently until you lose those last 15 lbs and can start growing some back?

You don’t mention how long your hair is but could you pull it back and add a ponytail “extension”, not necessarily to add length but fullness? I feel like they’ve come a long way over the years and there’s no shame in boosting what you’re working with.


All of the comments have good advice. I had lot of hair loss during my weight loss journey. But hair came back during maintenance stage. Give it some time.

I would like give another insight here. I have lot of skin around my thighs and arms. May be half amount of 15 pounds you have to lose is probably just loose skin if your body type is like me. Congratulations on your achievement.


Weight loss can be a big stress and shock to your body at first, even though it’s good for you in the long run. In times of stress, hair is one of the last things our body worries about, and it’ll draw nutrients away from it. If you’re doing the best you can on your own, I’d try connecting with your doctor to see what they can help with.


There is a beauty influencer on YouTube her name is Glamzilla she is so sweet and she just had her stomach surgery so she lost a lot of weight… like you she lost a lot of hair recently and was crying. From what I have heard it can deff happen when u lose a lot of weight. But it grows back!!!!!


This is common in people who have weight loss surgery, which isn’t that different from fasting in that you drastically reduce calories to lose a lot of fat.

You should see your doctor if you are concerned but it will come back once everything settles with your diet.


Came here to talk about iron. Absolutely request an iron panel including ferritin, your stored iron. You will also want to check vitamin B and stored vitamin D - all play massive roles in hair health. Most doctors don’t know that ferritin levels need to be relatively high for optimal health - and low levels of vitamin d and b cause similar symptoms of low iron. They also all work together.

Check out “The Iron Protocol” on Facebook or even on Reddit - for medical journal information etc

I would say there’s a nutritional deficiency causing this loss

Best of luck xx and keep us posted!


It won’t be permanent, your body is just losing nutrients while losing weight. It will grow back. Keep eating healthy and take vitamins and supplements. Biotin helps hair growth. Take gummies or pills. Take a break, omad is good, but don’t fast drastically for a while. You will lose the 14 eventually.


unfortunately hair loss is likely to happen if you’re genetically prone to it, accelerated at an immensely high rate when our bodies are under a lot of stress (losing a shitload of weight, congrats), i’d look into vitamins for hair and nails, possibly a specific shampoo? most importantly avoid any unnecessary stress, wether it’s physical or mental. wishing you the best!


On top of telogen effluvium, iron status causes increased hair loss for me. I have a very low ferritin when I lose the most hair. That happens to me even when I eat red meat daily. I somehow need iron supplements and am a poor absorber. Ask your doc to check iron studies if they are willing.

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