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Advice on how to best go about IF around training and night shifts.

New here but keen to get advice with regards to managing IF. I have tried to do it before but shift changed and changes in when I train meant that it wasn’t manageable.

So for some context, I’m a doctor in the UK and I work night shifts roughly every 3 weeks or so. I’m looking into a 16:8 split with fasting starting at 20:00 and stopping at 12:00 (or as close to that as work allows). As for training I usually do a couple of weights sessions a week but that can sometimes be as early as 0600, I also have recently restarting road cycling and often head out between 1000 and 1100 for rides about 2 hours in length.

So what I’m looking for is advice on how to manage IF around night shifts (2000-0830) and when training or a ride lands in the period of fasting. Any help would be greatly appreciated, TIA.

TLDR: What are the best ways to manage IF around training and night shifts?

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Don’t change your eating times would be my advice. Night shifts are terrible for weight loss. That much is well established. I suggest shortening your eating window to four hours, ending around 6pm if personal life allows. Definitely work out fasted. If you’re 12hrs into a fasting window, your strength and cardio will absolutely incinerate a lot of fat.

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