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Advice on stabilizing blood sugar? Supplements? Sodium? Avoid carbs?

I started listening to Lifespan podcast on benefits of IF for wellness/longevity highly recommend it.

I’m on day 4 of doing 20:4 intermittent fasting. I’d like to fast from 4-8pm so I can digest before 11pm bedtime. However, I coach beach volleyball from 3-6:30pm 3 days per week so i end up eating one meal around 7-9pm instead.

My boss will offer to buy the other coaches dinner some days and last night we went to Italian food and I ate a ton of bread with olive oil and got lasagna because that’s my favorite. I knew I needed more protein when I got home and it was too late to make chicken before bed so I had whey instead. I normally don’t eat white bread because i have slightly high blood pressure and try to stick to high glycemic foods. But when I eat out I typically don’t worry about nutrition as much because I am very strict the rest of the time.

I take fish oil and creatine with dinner and I’m taking magnesium glycinate before bed plus Calm (magnesium threonate) in the morning. I normally take caffeine in the morning in the form of preworkout powder, but this morning I took a bioLit nootropic supplement with caffeine in it and I think it may have upset my stomach or added to blood sugar problems.

Yesterday morning I woke up early to play volleyball and sauna before starting school work. Today I’ve decided to rest instead of lifting weights like I normally would on a non volleyball day because I really don’t feel good.

I’m debating whether the main cause of my nausea and low energy is the nootropic pill, the high carb/low protein/high sodium dinner (or maybe I don’t have enough sodium due to fasting and yesterdays exercise), or I just need to get through the 2 week period to adjust to fasting again.

Hoping for just general recommendations from anyone who works out often in the mornings and eats later, and or anyone who has high blood pressure, do you take sodium during fast or are you very careful to not consume too much sodium during eating window? Do you find it is super important to not have too much simple carbs when fasting? Does anyone else take some form of caffeine supplement in the morning or is black coffee the best? Anything else to help with low blood sugar in the morning while adjusting to fasting? That’s probably what caused my nausea? Plus a bit of constipation too I actually feel a lot better after I used the bathroom. anybody suggestions to help with that?

Sorry for the over sharing of info any help appreciated.

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It was the high carbs. Man I really want you to succeed, but you gotta ask your self what was I thinking right?

I am not saying I haven’t done it too, but I haven’t since I regained control because I don’t want to lose control and get way bigger again.

Lasagna is not your favorite, not really. Not of you want to be healthier again. I totally understand. ….


I’d also just like to throw it out there: I’d be careful with multi ingredient nootropic supplements unless you are researching every ingredient thoroughly.

Nootropics can technically pretty much be any substance that’s legal, not fda regulated, and a company claims has a benefit.

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Categories: blood sugar sodium carbs intermittent fasting to fast digest tea dinner oil chicken blood pressure nutrition fish magnesium morning stomach lifting weight energy eating window coffee bathroom