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advice please ?

Hi! Today was day 3 I started IF 16-8, first 2 days went great however today I broke fast with 3 pints of beer . Will this hinder progress this week? I’ve decided to cut out alcohol from now, just wondering about the progress though. Thank u all

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It’s like 625 calories, so your weekly calorie deficit will be 625 calories less than what it otherwise would have been. Compared to a lifetime of healthy habits ahead of you, it’s a blip on the radar.


3 modes of energy use.

Alcohol - Any alcohol in the blood has to be used first for energy first. There is no way to store it so if you consume alcohol, your body immediately shifts to alcohol mode. During alcohol mode, carbs and fat eaten are slotted for storage in fat tissue.

Sugar - Glycogen stored in the liver, approximately 1500 kcal. After alcohol is used up, if insulin outweighs glucagon, you are in sugar mode. This takes glycogen from the blood to provide energy, blood glycogen is maintained by the liver glycogen.

Fat - when Alcohol is 0, and the liver starts to run out of glycogen, glucagon rises to outweigh insulin. Now you are in Fat burning mode (ketosis). Congrats you are finally reducing your body fat at a rate of about .5 lbms per day.

So the alcohol in your beer immediately shifted you to alcohol mode. The sugar in your beer was converted to glycogen. Each gram of glycogen then “grabbed” 3 grams of water from the beer (congrats on your additional water weight) and went to the liver to be stored since you are in alcohol mode.

You now need to burn all the alcohol and glycogen off to get back to the seconds before your first sips of cold delicious beer. Alcohol has 7kcal per gram, carbs have 4kcal per gram.

Each calorie is about 20 steps (variable).

One pint of beer is about 80g alcohol + 20g carbs, so about 640 EFFECTIVE kcal. Not to be confused with nutritional kcal

So about 12800 per pint or 38400 steps to get back on track.

This is why it’s so hard to lose body fat.


Of course it will, you just shocked your body with ethanol (which behaves the same way as sugar in your body, which is why the “beer belly” exists.) Not to mention the amount of carbs in beer which is the biggest no no in breaking a fast. Stay away from alcohol, and never break your fast with carbs as you just got sent back 3 days worth of work to get into ketosis.

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