| | Water Fasting

After a good first week I start to struggle now

Doing 16/8 for a week now and was surprised how easy it was. The hunger in the morning was not too bad and I always made it without eating until lunch. Sometimes even a little later. In the gym I did feel, that I had less power when I lifted weights before a meal, but also not as much less as expected. At work, I felt energized and to my surprise, I didn’t fall into a black hole after lunch. It went really well so far.

Today I was struggling dir the first time though. The hunger was killing me, I was tired and broke my fast 30min earlier than I should have. I bringe ate chocolate and fruits in the afternoon and only at dinner I could stop myself and eat normal again. is this normal? Will it really be easier after another week or are days like this going to happen over and over again?

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It’s okay to not stick 100% to your plan, you’re human. Don’t sweat it too much.

If you’re experiencing severe hunger, you may well be at too much of a calorie deficit. In the first week, that was easily masked, but now that you’re low on glycagon, your body is shouting out that something unfamiliar, even scary, is happening.

You could try longer fasts to get your body better used to fasting. You can also try a bit of (more) coffee. You can also try cutting out carbs altogether for a while, so your body gets used to being in ketosis, and stops looking for carbs for a high. Finally more high volume, high fibre foods should help you feel satiated. Experiment a bit, you’re in the early days, find out what works for you.

Personally, I have something healthy (cauliflower rice with egg and chia seeds) on hand just in case I start feeling the binge hunger coming along. A pound of that something contains v few calories, and will stop the hunger in its track.

Keep at it, it’s a lifestyle change, take the time to find what works for you. Good luck!


We all have hard days. I have them after I eat too many carbs at dinner. When I’m in that situation, I try to hold out, but if I’m miserable, I break my fast early and then I start my next fast early. Be kind to yourself. You can do this!

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Categories: struggle morning lunch struggling fruit dinner deficit to fast coffee carbs ketosis binge calories