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After cutting out all foods that are bad and fasting, I’m not even hungry anymore. Is this normal?

My appetite seems to have dropped to 0. I even got some chipotle last night, ate 3 bites and I was full. Nothing seems appetizing anymore and I almost have to force myself to eat right now.

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If you’re fat adapted and have extra energy on your body, I’d say don’t sweat it. Eat when you’re hungry.

Sometimes I go through short phases like this. A simple 18-24 hour fast seems to reset appetite to a normal level.


I’d say be weary of what your body is actually feeling. It’s normal to learn what “hunger” is and become adept at just letting it do its thing without hindering you but your body SHOULD be giving you hunger signals periodically


I’m on OMAD most of the time and I have no hunger until \~2 hours before my normal eating time. On extended fasts, I’ll get a hunger feeling a few times a day for a few minutes


As an aside, I’m a big believer in doing what works for you but your situation sounds like you’ve just fallen into a fasting lifestyle from being sick (based on your other posts in the thread). Nothing wrong with listening to what your body is saying if it feels good but I’d have two main concerns I’d be thinking about myself if I was in your shoes:

1: Are you feeling this way because of an underlying illness you picked up? (My fasting “origin” story is similar to your situation and it turned out to be a chronic illness so listen to your body here - it could be saying something important)


2: Is your feeding on such a calorie deficit actually giving your body what you need? I’d imagine not. It doesn’t sound like you’re intentionally supplementing, anyway and getting what you need on 500 cals just isn’t going to happen without a dedicated plan here


Take a bit of time and look into how you feel and why. Then if this is a protocol that works for you, look into making sure you PACK everything you need to stay healthy into that kind of deficit. Good luck!

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