| | Water Fasting

Alcohol + fasting. Serious question. Answers appreciated!

So at the moment I’m doing a water fast (3-5 days) and then I’ll eat for a few days and hit another fast again (rinse and repeat the process until at my goal weight).

If I was, say midway through and I had a shot or 2 of vodka one night (yes I know it technically breaks a fast, YES I know it’s a bad idea) and then continued on the ‘fast’ would this impact the weight I lose on the fast? Again, I know this is not healthy so I’d like to bypass all the comments advising me not to do it. All I want to know is if I did this midway through a fast, is it going to noticeably sabotage the weight I would lose.


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As someone who has done something very similar to this, i can speak from my experience. It did not have any noticeable impact on my weight loss. I actually found the alcohol quite enjoyable but my tolerance was significantly less.

That’s my two cents.


If you’re fasting for weight loss, the main thing you’re going for is calorie restriction. Throwing a couple hundred calories of vodka into the mix isn’t going to have a noticeable impact. I’ll echo the sentiment that your tolerance is going to be CRAZY low. I broke a 7 day fast with 2 vodka sodas at a work event and it was wild. I was a full time bartender at the time having 4-6 drinks most nights without much affect, but those two seriously had me sideways.


So I do ‘dirty’ or clean fastiń depending on my mood.
Dirty implies I’m having less than 250 calories a day. Usually this is a bag of carrots or a small salad with lemon as dressing to keep me from getting the fasting shakes. Clean meaning water or broth only.

In terms of weight loss there is very little difference. I suppose if you fasted for a long period of time and had a shot (being on the dirty fasting side) daily it would make a difference in a pound or 2 if you had fasted for say 2 months. But seeing as your not actually fasting that long the difference is negligible.

If however you are fasting for autophagy it may have an impact as alcohol is sugar and carb heavy and that can impact your level of autophagy.

The real concern for me would be a shot working too well due to fasting and my not being able to control myself from having 3 more…. But that’s why I try not to drink much anymore.


Yeah I did this once and was so wasted I couldn’t stand up for like 3 hours. Won’t affect your weight loss but it does stop your liver from performing gluconeogenesis during the time it was processing/ metabolizing the alcohol.


From personal experience with keto and fasting if you stick to 2-3 drinks max of liquor or liquor with seltzer I think you will be fine. This is lifestyle after all. Just don’t drink sugary stuff (jack and coke, whiskey sour) and you won’t be set back hard.


Once broke a three day fast with two shots of whisky .

I felt very ill within a few minutes - not nauseous, more as though I might pass out. I lay down for a while and it passed.

Haven’t done it since.


Yeah it breaks a fast, but you should be back to a fasted state pretty quick. I’ve never done it and compared weight loss, but it should be a little less. And i wouldn’t make a habit of it because eating a little bit during a fast is known to slow your metabolism compared to just fasting.

I will say that as a 6’4 250ish guy my tolerance is normally very high. But after fasting it hits HARD


I think it was an alan aragon podcast where it was said that calories from liquor don’t count ( unless its something with sugar obviously) because of the way they are metabolized. Biggest problem is you make bad dietary decisions when drunk, not the alcohol.

So it should make no impact to weight loss.

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Categories: alcohol water fast a fast weight loss fasting for weight loss calorie restriction calories 7 day fast soda clean fast sugar to fast liver keto and fasting three day fast habit