I asked this question over on the intermittent sub, and got some as – expected thoughtful answers. Thought I would try here as well.
I’m 56 years old, really enjoy drinking wine… But I’ve noticed lately as I creep slowly towards my goal weight…That I can’t seem to handle it anymore. I realize these numbers are subjective, but a few years ago a night out… Over a four or five hour period… I could drink wine very steadily throughout the night. Now? Two days ago I went out to dinner and had three glasses of wine. I spent most of the day today in bed napping!
So obviously my answer is to cut myself off pretty early in the evening, and if that doesn’t work I just stop drinking. But I’m curious if this has happened to any of the rest of you during your fasting journey?
Since hitting my goal weight, I’ve noticed that my tolerance for cold weather as well as alcohol has decreased significantly. I can’t drink as much nor do I recover from the ensuing hangover as quickly.
Yes. Recovering alcholic here. I used to routinely come home with a 12 pack of IPAs, slam the whole pack over like 5 hours, be pretty drunk, but still coherent.
After roughly 3 months sober, I screwed up. But after drinking 6 of the 12 IPAs, I passed out in a stupor. (gave the rest away to my neighbor the next day)
Tolerance really goes to shit with all this healthy livin I tell ya. Good problem to have I guess.