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Alcohol makes me irritable now.

Been intermittent fasting for over a month now, the Fastic app reporting my average daily fast being 17.5 hrs.

Anyhow, had not drank any alcohol since Oct.28th. Starting fasting Nov.4 and feeling good, haven’t missed a day. December arrives and tis the season: a cocktail here and there before a couple of dinners, and a mimosa one morning. And I… Am…. Irritable.

Is it just me, or is this normal after giving my liver a break, and if it is what’s the science behind it?

Thanks in advance.

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I do wonder if the wonderous liver is busy doing fat/glucose conversions and metabolism stuff while on IF, and doesn’t keep as many enzymes around to process alcohol, lowering tolerance, making hangovers worse, etc. Part of IF is the body breaking down cells and proteins it doesn’t need, and maybe the liver just down-regulates the alcohol protein pathway’s capacity.

used to be a huge (literally and figuratively) craft beer drinker/fan. Realized it was sortve just an excuse for alcoholism. Quit drinking in august and haven’t looked back. Losing weight easier than before, mental health is through the roof.


Makes me irritable too. I just quit drinking on Nov 15 and my mood (along with IF and loosing weight with that ) is much better. And I’m more mentally present in life. Enjoying things more. Alcohol just isn’t a good fit for my psychie. if you’re the kind of person who might want to quit, I wouldn’t recommend against it. best of luck.


I feel awful even after one cocktail. I miss my wine or vodka with water terribly, but so not worth the after effects since I’ve started IF. Yes, Tis the season and I’m petrified to have just one drink now.


I have never been much of a drinker, but i used to enjoy the occasional sweet drink before. Since I’ve been eating clean and consistently fasting for a while, alcohol makes me… I don’t know how to describe it, but I hate it. I now look forward to alcohol free drinks instead because I really dislike the effects of alcohol in every single way. Not sure of the science behind it, though.

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Categories: alcohol intermittent fasting fastic dinner morning liver glucose beer losing weight tea